Unless you're a privileged taxpayer-paid DC employee. How proud I am as a taxpayer to see this official taxpayer paid-for vehicle emblazoned with the DC flag gleefully violating DC traffic law making it easier for the DC officer who drives the car to write more tickets on DC citizens (like the ticketed car in the last picture that is parked exactly as the officer is, a block away on Euclid and 13th).
Or, perhaps I'm naive and DC public officials aren't expected or required to actually obey the law?
The license plate number on the officer's car is DC 9229.

I've always been amazed at the audacity of some public officials who think they are immune to the laws they enforce. Hopefully, you and some neighbors will take the initiative to bring this to the city's attention.
We had a period of water restrictions a couple of years ago during a drought, one of the things people were restricted from doing was washing their cars... passed the fire station in Boone one evening and who but the Town Fire Marshall was out there washing (not a fire truck) his own personal vehicle.
Yay for assholes!
My experiences with the drivers of parking enforcement is that they have been some of the worst I have encountered... Terry refers to them as "Lowest common denominator" employees. They cut you off, park wherever they want with no regard to anyone else. A bit of an entitlement problem, I'd say.
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