Saturday, December 04, 2010


The boys at GOProud have endorsed the Senate Republican strategy of blocking action on anything other than the Bush tax cuts -- including repeal of DADT.

Do we really need another "gay" organization that puts political party interests ahead of our equal rights? The left has HRC, the right now has GOProud.

Of course, the real mission of GOProud isn't to advance gay rights. And perhaps not even to advance conservative causes. I think their real mission is to piss off gay liberals.


Rob said...

If by "gay rights" you mean special rights, then no. BTW, if you'd bothered to look, you would have seen this:

GOProud Endorsed Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) Supports Repeal of DADT

GOProud was proud to be the only gay organization to stand with Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) during his historic election campaign. Now we are proud he is standing with us -

But I guess it's better to be a dick and project onto others than to acknowledge reality.

Scott said...

Thanks for the comment.

The rights I speak of are the same rights that should apply to everyone.

I'm aware of the group's support for Scott Brown, and the Senator's position on DADT repeal.

Is that position because of anything GOProud did?

As far as I can tell, the group has not lobbyed any Senator on DADT repeal, nor has it asked its members to call Senators to push for repeal. Instead it sends out a press release bragging about its support for GOP obstructionism of...what? DADT repeal, among other things.

I'm also aware the group has endorsed candidates who oppose DADT repeal.

I may indeed by a dick but I am not supporting or promoting politicians who work for the special rights of the straight majority.

GOProud is.