Monday, October 13, 2008

Just a Little Bit Country (and a little bit Broadway Show)

Driving through rural southern Illinois (my old stompin' grounds) I passed "Earl's Kuntry Skillet."

I called someone to tell them that and to say "kuntry."

Then I realized what I was doing. "Does this make me an elitist?"

I tried to compensate by playing some John Denver tunes on my guitar when I got to my hotel (yes, I'm travelling with my guitar these days. It makes me feel so, oh, I don't know, Julie Andrews walking into the Von Trapp family mansion for the first time whenever I get to my new hotel).


Matty said...


Gilahi said...

In Illinois? Wow, I had no idea. That sounds so.... southern. For all the weirdo, stereotypically southern, two-part names in my family, it occurs to me that we don't have a single "Earl", which seems to be a southern thing to me. We also say "skillet" in the south when everybody else says "frying pan". And "kuntry"... well...

Are you sure you didn't take a wrong turn somewhere?