Look, Kenny, here's some free advice. Drop it. Gay or straight, the more you talk about your sex life the more scrutiny you invite and the more you tempt some ambitious reporter to start looking up those women you claim to have shagged and to have them say your tractor really isn't all that sexy -- or to follow you around to see if you have a wide stance or like to get massages from gay escorts.
Frankly, you remind me of my father's behavior when I came out to him -- he went out of his way to make "look at the tits on that one" comments to assert his sexuality, as if mine were some sort of threat. I understand it, but it's a bit ridiculous, don't you think? And how do you think that comment makes the women you've been with feel? Just one more notch on your belt.
I understand that if you are gay that it's a threat to your career. Well, hello, join the club. At least you've made your millions; there are gay people who lose their jobs because of it and have nothing to fall back on.
If you are gay and came out, think about how freeing that would be for you as an artist. In a recent album, you sing a lyric, "be as you are." Well...what better place to start than admitting to yourself and your friends and family who you really are instead of trying to live a life of lies? Think of the inspiration you could be to all the gay kids in places like Tennessee and Oklahoma who would see in you that all the garbage they are fed about gay people is a lie. Sure you might lose the good ol' boys in your fan base, but you won't lose the girls and you stand to gain a lot of gay fans. Just look what we've done for Madonna, Cher and Bette.
One final thing. If you want people to stop speculating you are gay, stop wearing skin tight jeans and muscle shirts.
Although if you do, I will be very, very dissapointed.
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