Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Harvey Milk Day: Recruiting Gays

I missed HM Day last week (May 22nd, what would have been his 79th birthday). Gay Politics offers some numbers worth highlighting:

Harvey was the fifth openly gay elected official in the United States. Today there are 440.

While that number is progress, it is only a small fraction of the more than 500,000 elected positions in the U.S. today (again, according to Gay Politics).

If you accept the standard theory that 10% of the population is LGBT then we are way under-represented. Hell, even if we're only 1% of the population is queer we're largely absent in elected office.

Unless you count the closeted Republicans.

All of which leads me to ask: Are the national LGBT "activist" organizations doing anything to recruit out LGBT candidates? I know there are PACs that support gay-and-ally candidates, but is there any organized effort to find and field such candidates?

It would seem a fitting way to remember Harvey, who began his speeches with the line, "I'm Harvey Milk, and I'm here to recruit you."

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