Wednesday, August 30, 2006

9/11 and Clinton -- Who Cares?

Gay Patriot is all excited that a new documentary details the Clinton Administration's failure to act against Bin Laden. At one point the CIA surrounded the house where Bin Ladin was but could not get the Clinton White House to give the go-ahead.

Good to get it on the record for history but as a practical matter, who cares? Bill Clinton is no longer in a position to do harm or good, unlike the two more years we have of Bush.

I supported the President's strategy of pre-emptive strikes against gathering threats. But for that strategy to work you need good intelligence and competent civillian military leadership. We've had neither. The missing WMD that were supposed to be "slam dunk" was a fiction and Katrina gives the lie to Bush Administration competence. Although I think Katrina exposed the failure of all levels of government, including Ray Nagin and Kathleen Blanco, it definately blew away my willingness to give the administration the benefit of the doubt.

And whither the Democrats? Other than Joe Biden, what democratic leader is doing more than criticizing the administration without offering alternatives other than a pull out of Iraq?

The bottom line is: the world is a dangerous place and we don't know what we're doing. Our leaders have failed and the American people have -- thus far -- failed to demand something better.

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