The blur to the left is a Damsel fish. Damsels are known for their hardiness -- and their aggressiveness. This particular Damsel I have named "Hitler" for he is the meanest of the Damsels. And a killer -- he killed one of the other Damsels in the first week. His method is to "hit" a fish over and over, biting. Which is why "Hitler" is such an apt name (as opposed, say, to "Osama"). He is working on killing another fish, whom I've named "Lazarus." Because I've given him up for dead several times after Hitler's relentless attacks. But he keeps coming back.
The most peaceful fish in my tank is a Yellow Tang, whom I've named "Wanda." If you can see the short spikes of white by her tail they are in fact spikes, which she used to keep Hitler at bay when she was introduced to the tank. Now he doesn't bother her and she minds her own business, grazing on the algae. Unfortunately for me (but not for her) there's a banquet of algae for her to feast on.

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