Tuesday, December 19, 2006


I've avoided posting on Iraq because I don't really know what to say nor do I know what should be done. There's no need for me to lament what a disaster it is as that seems to be obvious to everyone but the guy at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

I think I'd support a withdrawl except that I fear a massive bloodbath - and that blood would be on our hands (as is the blood of innocent Iraqis who have died since we invaded). That outcome seems morally indefensible. A withdrawl leaving Iraq in ruins would show allies that the U.S. can't be trusted or depended upon.

But staying and asking U.S. troops to die for a lost cause is morally wrong as well.

The conundrum of Bush ignoring his Joint Chiefs' criticism of his idea of a "surge" of troops is of his own making, since he has famously said he'd do whatever the commanders on the ground tell him is needed. I would point out that Presidents have often ignored their generals' advice and issued pointed orders -- Lincoln would be the obvious example and more recently, JFK in the Cuban Missile Crisis. Unfortunately, Bush is no JFK or Honest Abe. He's not even a GHWB.

So...we can't stay and we can't leave.


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