Tuesday, April 24, 2007

DC Metro Cutting 220 Jobs

Ok -- is this ridiciulous or am I just being insensitive? I feel for anyone who loses their job, but this struck me as outrageous:

Layoffs approaching this size are unusual at Metro, and managers will receive training on how to tell employees they are losing their jobs. The agency also plans to offer stress counseling to laid-off employees and guidance on how to find new jobs, officials said.

Assistance to find a new job, fine. But STRESS COUNSELLING? This is partially funded by my tax dollars. Where's my tax-payer supported stress counselling when I lose a $90,000 contract? And, Metro has managers who lack the knowledge of how to fire people? They need special training? Aren't those skills a "manager" is supposed to have?

I can think of better uses for tax money for education programs for DC Metro employees. Like how not to kill people with your buses.


Anonymous said...

I see your point, but I think it is damage control by the system. With all of the recent publicity regarding pedestrian deaths, the layoffs can be thought of as a blow to the moral of their workforce. Which in turn might be perceived (and may actually have) a negative impact on public safety.

Scott said...

I don't agree...I think the morale impact of firing around 1 percent of Metro's workforce pales in comparison to the low regard held towards the system's safety and dependability by the public. Moreover, counseling offered to the fired employees wouldn't do anything to help the morale of those left behind.

Finally, there's a great way to end the publicity about pedestrian deaths caused by DC's Metro bus drivers. Stop running over pedestrians.