Friday, August 10, 2007


If the difference between marriage and civil unions is "semantic" as Obama asserted at the gay debate last night, than there would be no brouhaha over offering gays marriage rights. It's like saying the difference between being a state Senator and a U.S. Senator is one of semantics.

If you create two classes of relationships you have to be able to explain why one group of people is ineligible for one.

And the only way for civil unions to be remotely on par with marriage is to repeal DOMA. And I didn't hear that last night (admittedly I didn't watch the whole thing, so if any of the top tier talked about repealing DOMA I missed it).

And speaking of repealing DOMA -- why wait. Both Clinton and Obama are in a position to work for that now. What are they waiting for?

Check out LOGO for clips of the debate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sen. Clinton called for the repeal of Sec 3 of DOMA - the part that affects federal benefits, leaving Sec 2 intact which lets States decide to decide their own definition and whether to honor other states decision....half a loaf