Friday, January 18, 2008

I've Seen the Candidates, Some Observations

I've now been to campaign events for Hillary, Obama, Edwards and Romney.

Some observations:

Romney has the hottest looking guys.

Romney also comes across better in person than he does on TV. Meaning he actually is human. Who knew?

Judging by crowd size and enthusiasm I'd rate the campaigns Obama, Romney, Edwards and then Clinton

Clinton's campaign is the only one I've witnessed coaching its audience on how to cheer.

Clinton has attracted the smallest and least enthusiastic crowds.

Obama offers more specific proposals and plans than his media coverage...and his ads...would suggest.

Edwards comes across as genuine and his supporters are fired up.

Obama is the only candidate I've seen who did not give misleading statements about his opponents. He did talk about policy differences in the context of explaining his policies that were being attacked by Hillary and Edwards. He did not attack them. The same can not be said for Hillary and Edwards with regard to him.

Obama kept me waiting the longest. I think Hillary and Romney are tied.

Chelsea Clinton is a becoming young woman. But Josh Romney is smokin!

Obama's volunteers were the most aggressive in trying to sign me up; Hillary's the least. In fact, Hillary's event was the only one where I didn't sign in, because they never asked me to.

Most shameless use of a prop: Romney picking up his granddaughter for no apparent reason other than it was a good picture.


Cardinal said...

Josh is indeed yummy.

Matty said...

Most Mormon boys are.