Thursday, April 16, 2009

Teabaggers Turn their Lonely Eyes to Reagan

I don't like taxes either (unlike top officials of the Obama admin, I do pay them).

The teabaggers, best I can tell, want to return Reaganism. Let's look at some numbers.

In 1988, the last year of Reagan's term of office, the wealthiest 10 percent of Americans had a tax burden of 57.2 percent.

Obama is proposing a tax rate on the top 2 percent of wealthy Americans to around 38 percent.

So in order to be like Reagan the teabaggers would have to raise taxes for more people much higher than anything Obama is proposing.

Is this why the Governor of Texas is threatening seccession?

Another comment on Reagan. Ronald Reagan built his political career with the goal of limiting communism. Republicans today seem intent on building their party by limiting the rights of other Americans. That doesn't seem very Reaganesque, if you ask me.

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