Thursday, December 31, 2009

For Old Long Since-- Good Riddance 2009

On New Year's, the Scots have a tradition of "first footing," where friends and neighbors strive to be the first ones to cross the threshold of your home after the New Year arrives. They are rewarded for their attempt at first footing by the host offering free whiskey. This is such a popular custom that first footing attempts can continue until January 3rd.

2009 has had its bright moments. We Inaugurated the right man. My sister re-married a man I am proud to call brother. And I have a new gay nephew. Eli moved closer and is a total joy. Dave and I celebrated 22 years. And we have a great new dog, Dori.

On the other side of the scale there is the loss of Dixie, the recession, the war(s), the disappointments in the Obama administration, a new terrorist attack and, as a result, new security theater at the airport (and in the sky).

It was also the year cancer attacked my father, a battle we continue at the closing of the year.

For all its blessings, 2009 was a year that beat against the soul for me. I am glad it is over.

The Scottish poem and song, Auld Lang Syne, is about going through rough times but but being able to rely on the friendships and family who have been with you for times long since...

And so, 2009 passes. Good riddance. And in the spirit of the song:

And there’s a hand my trusty friend !And give us a hand o’ thine !

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