Monday, May 19, 2008

Menu Change

I've said before I have no practical skills and this is certainly true in the kitchen. The LTR was traveling this weekend and he asked me to set out the chicken to thaw Sunday for dinner Monday.

Actually, he said for me to set out the "pterodactyl" as he usually buys these really HUGE mammoth whole chickens that could easily be mistaken for the giant prehistoric birds (and unlike Giant's cuts of beef which are usually so gristly and tough that they probably ARE prehistoric, these birds are actually very good). And so we call chicken, "pterodactyl."

So Sunday I dutifully complied, awarding myself good husband points for completing a honey-do task without a reminder.

The LTR just returned home and I emailed him and asked him how things were there.

He replied, "Ok. I'm a little surprised that you set out a 14 pound turkey for dinner."


Well, like I said, no practical skills...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's almost dinnertime here and this is the first time I laughed out loud all day. Hilarious! (And so something my partner, Jenn, would do...but don't tell her I said that, okay?) ;)