Saturday, June 28, 2008

Family Values -- The Federal Marriage Amendment II: Attack of the Clowns

The FMA has been reintroduced. Two of its sponsors are those paragons of family values and marriage sanctity: David Vitter and Larry Craig (Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, call your offices). From the Carpetbagger:

Yes, two of the principal sponsors of a constitutional amendment to “protect” marriage include one far-right Republican who hired prostitutes and another far-right Republican who was arrested for soliciting gay sex an airport men’s room.

So is this the difference between Republicans and Democrats: When Democrats get caught in a hypocritical sex scandal, they resign (see Eliot Spitzer). When Republicans get caught with their pants down, they attack the rights of gays (see above).

1 comment:

Swoper said...

ahh, you figured out their strategy.

Extreme Generality coming:
Republicans are slime....and their followers are complete ignoramouses who are experts at ignoring the facts (and rumors they don't like) such as these while simultaneously being experts at believing rumors they DO like (such as Barack being a Muslim.)