Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Rockin' the DC Vote -- YAAAAAWN

The LTR and I walked up to the polling place in the rain and voted. Total non-event here. There were far more voters there for the primary, and I went in the middle of the day, not during "rush hour" like the LTR and I tonight.

For you outside the beltway types, DC is so overwhelmingly Democrat, and we have no voting Congressional representation so the only real candidates are local, city government. The decisions were made in the primary in Sept.

But wouldn't it be a hoot if so many dems were complacent enough and the DC GOP had it's act together enough to turn out enough Republicans to elect whoever the Republican candidate was for Mayor? Won't happen, but kind of fun to think about, at least funner than John Kerry at open mic night at the Improv. Well, maybe not that fun.

The polling place was "staffed," as every polling place I've ever polled in, by little old ladies. They can't see, read or hear very well (both the LTR and I had to help our "staffer" find our names on the rolls) but how would the Republic function without them?

The LTR and I are settling in for a night of Thai-take out and Democracy. And hopefully a Democratic takeover.

I've come a long way from the days when I worked for Lee Atwater, God rest his impish soul.

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