Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Richardson Says "Faggot" (en Espanol)

So Democratic presidential candidate Bill Richardson utters the word "maricon" on the Imus show (before it went off the air). Even this mid-western white boy knows that "maricon" is the Spanish equivalent of "faggot."

Where's the outrage? Oh, he's a Democrat. I forgot. My bad.


Cardinal said...

That's it! He ain't getting my vote. And he totally went down like 10 points in my book. Which isn't saying much since he only had like nine to begin with.

It's sad that such a progressive, worldly, intelligent and otherwise cool guy would a) be so stupid as to say it on air and b) have it in his everyday vocabulary.

Shame on you, Mr. Richardson. Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

Scott -- didn't you have your eye on Richardson, or am I thinking of someone else? Very unfortunate.