Friday, July 27, 2007

Wrong Conclusion, Chuck

Charles Krauthammer gives good analysis but comes to the wrong conclusion in his column today. He takes Obama apart for his debate response indicating he would meet with the leaders of hostile states with no preconditions. Krauthammer effectively rebuts the would-be president and in so doing tacitly bolsters Hillary's argument. He then reaches back to a previous debate to rip Obama for saying the first thing he would do after another terrorist attack is provide an effective emergency response. Hillary said she would retaliate as soon as "prudent."

Krauthammer ends by saying:

The country might decide that it prefers, yes, a Republican -- say, Sept. 11 veteran Rudy Giuliani-- to a freshman senator who does not instinctively understand why an American president does not share the honor of his office with a malevolent clown like Hugo Chávez.

Wait. What? If I recall correctly, the "Sept. 11 Veteran" mayor was busy doing what after 9/11? Coordinating emergency response, right? Besides why is Krauthammer so certain the Dems are going to nominate Obama. After this week, Hillary looks...what's the word...oh yeah, whisper it: "inevitable."

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