Sunday, November 18, 2007

Gratuitous Cleavage

From the streets of Waikiki when I was there in August.

This couple sat next to at lunch. Luckily, and purely by coincidence, we left the restaurant at the same time.

He appeared to be military. She was more portly than this picture suggests. He was hotter than this picture suggest. Has anyone else noticed the trend of really hot military guys with overweight wives?


Anonymous said...

Unfortunate for sure. I don't know, but from the back he looks pretty gay so he must be in the military. She's probably his beard.

Anonymous said...

Since I find laying on the beach too boring, I leave my friends laying there while I walk around with my camera on Waikiki. Here are some shots I've taken over the years, if you're interested in seeing them:
and a video I took in July 2006: