Monday, April 14, 2008

Dancing Naked in Front of the Mirror

I recently sent a group of my friends the "Have you ever" meme quiz thingy posted on Cooper's Corridor. It's a series of totally random questions of the sort you're used to seeing on the Internets, including have you ever held a snake? Have you ever sat on a roof? Etc.

There are questions of a more intimate nature as well. It seems my friends and me have, in common:

Known unrequited love
Like to go commando
Sleep naked
Have taken (with one exception) a naked picture of themselves
Have kissed a member of the same sex (well, duh!)
And so on.

But they all share something in common I don't. My friends have all admitted they've danced in front of a mirror naked. Not me. Hell, I don't like to dance in front of a mirror with my clothes on and my eyes closed.

Here's the deal -- when I stand in front of the mirror in my birthday suit I'm holding my stomach in so tight I'd pass out from oxygen deprivation if I moved. Otherwise I don't want to see parts of me that aren't supposed to jiggle bounce like a Mexican jumping bean on X.

I'll keep my nude dancing confined to my bed, thank you very much. And if there is a mirror on the ceiling, well, meme your own business.


Anonymous said...

That's a hot picture of you Scottie too Hottie.

Anonymous said...

Since you did no put a full picture, still we can not be sure that you were fully naked. This is not accepted as a yes to that question, sorry for disapproval. lOlOlOl