Sunday, July 06, 2008

Obama Knows I'm Gay

Okay, so I signed up on Obama's Web site early in the game...also filled out supporter cards in Nevada and Pennsylvania and Ohio at Obama events.

No where, whether on line or standing in line at an Obama rally did I check off "I'm an Obama supporter and I like other guys."

Yet today I get an email from the campaign entitled "Photos: LGBT Pride Events" that begins:

Thanks to supporters like you, we made a big impact during Pride month.

Okay, you all know how I feel about Pride and I was in the mountains playing Brokeback with the LTR during DC's Pride event. And yet the email exhorts me to host my own "Obama Pride" event.

So how does Obama know I'm gay?

As far as I know from my site meter, no one from the campaign has ever been here (nor would I expect them too, wee blogger that I am).

The only thing I can figure is that somewhere along the way I clicked on something gay related on his Web site or in an email his campaign sent. And so I've been segmented. Or Micro-Targeted, to use Mr. Penn's phrase.

Pretty slick.

So, yes, Mr. Obama, I'm gay, as you suspected. I'll think about hosting an Obama Pride event...but you need to think a bit more about this marriage between a man and a woman thing. You're moving in the right direction, and I think you're more sincere than your former opponent on this issue, but recent events have made me a bit wary.

You understand, right? Since others in the recent past have wanted to turn our gay pride into campaign donations and votes? Only to drop us at the first sign of political trouble?

We can overcome this obsolete view of marriage only between a man and a woman, can't we? We can win over enough votes in California and elsewhere to protect marriage equality if we just work together?

Yes, we can.

1 comment:

lacochran said...

Cross-indexing bought address lists?