Ignoring the fact that a screaming throng at 9:30 pm (central) isn't the best place to bring your infant, it's starting to look like the Palin family themselves are content to use the baby as a prop.
Am I the only one who looks at this as cringing and creepy?
I think "Team McCain" looks like caricatures of themselves. I am dying to see a parody of them on SNL or Madtv. And then there is "Thindy" McCain with her annoying lisp. My god, she's loaded! Can't she afford a speech therapitht?
Its her botox...makes Pelosi look expressive :-) If ya don't want your family to be part of the news.. then don't trott them out for pete's sake....for the life of me I wish the charade of dragging politicians families out would stop.... including the horrific scenes of spouses having to stand next to the louts after scandals... let them do the "walk of shame" alone. BV
Does she really want to bring her child to DC for education? The Post has been reporting the overload and failure to comply with court orders to step special education... http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/09/02/AR2008090201615.html
- BV
In the screaming loud auditorium, there wasn't a peep from that baby...I feel guilty to think this, but was it sedated? I just don't know babies that calm.
And if they left Trig at home all of the time people would be screaming that the campaign must be ashamed of a person that is "different" and that he was somehow "neglected."
Plus it isn't 9:30 Alaska time.
Okay - and while we are ranting, it has to be said... what is up with the kid's names? Trig? Track? Willow? Piper? WTF? Who do the parents think they are? Demi and Bruce? Gwenneth and what's is name? Come on! It's bad enough they drag them out in public, but they all have names like soap opera characters. Oh wait - Palin's life IS like a soap. Here is an explanation of the names that I found (http://donsingleton.blogspot.com/2008/09/palins-children-names.html)
Hmmmmm, so if I have a kid, perhaps I will name it Trombone? Or how about Pinot Noir? Or better still, how about Porn? I mean, those are all things I like.
To Anon number 3: Crass politicans would make that calculation about the baby. Good parents would do what's best for the baby. Period. And they had been in MN long enough for 9:30 to be 9:30.
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