Sunday, September 28, 2008

Luckiest, the Fish from Nowhere

It's not raining men in my gayborhood. It's raining fish.

The LTR was summoned to the door the other night by a frantic neighbor. "Do you have an aquarium?" he asked in a panicked voice?

Turns out he was walking his dog, Lucky, and in front of our house he came across a large koi, gasping for air and looking as out of his element as Sarah Palin in a Katie Couric interview.

No, we don't have an aquarium. Nor do our neighbors.

The LTR grabbed a bucket and filled it with water and plucked the fish from nowhere in it.

The neighbor who originally stumbled on the koi has named it "luckiest" and found a home for it -- a half block away in a neighbor's koi pond (and no, the found fish was not an escapee).

At last report, Luckiest is getting along just swimmingly.

Meanwhile, I'll be watching my neighborhood for "Missing Fish" signs.

1 comment:

Curtis said...

Anyone who rescues an animal is a hero in my book! Way to go, Superman!!!