Saturday, September 13, 2008

This and That

We've started talking about getting a new dog. The void left by Ranger has been an anchor that drags us both down. And Buster, our other dog, is obviously distressed as well.

I'm starting guitar lessons next Saturday.

Despite the well-laid-out plans of the LTR, our attempt to talk to our son on his birthday were quashed and so far we still haven't been able to reach him.

I try to avoid talking politics with my family, but they keep bringing it up. This has made me start to avoid talking to them. This is not a good thing.

I recently bought two civil war era antiques on Ebay. One is a bound volume of Harpers Weekly from 1861. Charles Dickens' novel Great Expectations was being serialized in it at the time. It thrills me that hands that originally turned these pages were living through it all.

The LTR is making his own Chinese Chili hot sauce and my nose and throat are starting to burn on the second floor...I better go investigate.

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