I was feeling pretty good about Obama's performance with the House Republicans, but wondered how the other side felt. So this morning I clicked over to the National Republican Congressional Committee site to see what they had to say.
Nothing. Nada. Zip.
Well, they were taking the president to task for not listening to their ideas. So I clicked over to their news release page to see what policy ideas they were offering.
Nothing. Nada. Zip.
On the page were a series of releases trumpeting bad economic news, bad poll numbers about the stimulus bill (didn't that happen a year ago?). The only positive news on the page was about Republican prospects in the 2010 election.
Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place, I thought. So I glanced back at the top navigation bar. There must be a section for "Issues."
Nothing. Nada. Zip.
Nothing about how House Republicans propose ending two wars, reducing the deficit or creating jobs.
Every time I look for evidence the GOP offers serious governing alternatives to the Democrats?
Noting. Nada. Zip.
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