Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Perry vs. Schwarzenegger

There's a lot of stake in the court case being brought by Ted Olson and David Boies to strike down the hateful Prop 8 that re-instituted marriage inequality in California. Michael Petrelis pegs what this is really about in his post of impressions of Day One:

"I sense a foundation is being laid down to deal with the issue underlying the gay marriage question, the question of homosexuality itself, and that is what is really on trial here." (emphasis mine)

Yes. Exactly right. And that's always what gay marriage has been all about. For if gays can marry legally, then homosexuality will be morally equal to heterosexuality in the eyes of the law. As long as the most fundamental thing about us -- who we love and chose to spend our lives with -- is treated by law as morally inferior to the straight majority, state-sanctioned injustice is possible.

The other side gets it -- which is why they are saying the dumbest things and going to any length to prevent it.

This lawsuit is an enormous risk. With enormous possibilities.

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