I've been having problems with muscle fatigue while biking and cramping while swimming -- a sure sign of potassium deficiency according to a Web search (though the LTR points out that it's easy to be convinced you have anything when you look up the symptoms online. He's right -- I may have a potassium deficiency or I may be pregnant).
And so I need to eat more bananas, a great source of potassium. Problem is, I hate bananas (but love banana bread, go figure). Another source of potassium: potatoes. Problem is, I avoid carbs like some people want to avoid Rick Warren.
But one food on the list I like and will eat is: spinach!
So I'm about to up my spinach intake and see if that helps. I can't wait to see the lifeguard's face when I pop open a can of the green stuff and guzzle it before hoping into the pool.
Oh, and Mom -- that thing about waiting an hour after you eat to avoid cramps is well, popeye-cock.
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