I've always admired Sullivan, even if I don't agree with him 100% of the time. He is almost usually thoughtful, and almost always profound, as he is in this interview. Like the answer to the question, "is there a point where the closet becomes morally indefensible?:
SULLIVAN: It's never been morally defensible. It's just humanly understandable.And he echoes Frank Kameny, a plus in my eyes:
By diverting attention from the fundamental issue -- that gay people are fine, gay is good -- I think we actually helped [our opponents]. Frank Kameny is the great example. Just never, ever, ever concede the principle.And my son likes him...last Friday, after the three of us lunched at Trios, our son saw Sullivan on the cover or MW and made a beeline, opened the newsbox and carried a copy like a talisman for the next 30 minutes...an eternity in two-year-old time.

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