Tuesday, January 06, 2009


If grief is a process of stages then I think it's not linear...it's circular. It comes back.


Saz said...

back again...you dont say much....but then it says a lot..

very interesting

Anonymous said...

Having had to process way too much grief in my life.. I believe you go through grief rather than getting "over" grief. Kubler-Ross describes it as recycling when you havent finished one of the linear stages or you get "stuck". Its supposedly chalked up to a failure to accept the grief... BS. I know full well my dogs have died, but when I hang their Christmas Tree ornaments or see a picture of them, or find an old toy long forgotten under the sofa, I cycle back. When I go to the vet with my living dog for a problem that looks similar to me that one of my other dogs had before they died.. of course I get upset and sad all over again. I learned a college roomate of mine died in August through the alumni magazine. I had just asked several classmates if they had heard from him and was meaning to contact him. I'll have to wait now. I'll process the grief and try to learn something from it...such as cuddle the dog i have still more, call/write/email the person I mean to get in touch with...steel myself for the inevitable grief attack as I call them and embrace it as just a part of who I am and get through it (but never quite over it) BV