Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Obama's Inaguaration: Sealing Off DC

It appears that all the bridges from VA will be closed on Inauguration Day. It's not clear to me why this is necessary. Does anyone know?

My guess is that this will be the most isolated DC has been since the Civil War.


Malnurtured Snay said...

If I had to guess, I'd say they're trying to discourage people from driving into DC. If I had to guess again, I'd say they're worried that the South will try to rise again! :)

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I miss DC and then I read things like this...

Saz said...

maybe its who they want to keep in!!

Anonymous said...

The secured area for the Inauguration and parade are larger than in previous years due to the larger crowds.. the area includes the roads that Roosevelt, Memorial and 14th St bridges feed into meaning that cars entering the city over those bridges immediately hit a cordoned off area. The bridges are reserved for buses and emergency vehicles and hopefully thousands more portapotties :-) BV

Scott said...

That doesn't explain Key Bridge

Anonymous said...

Oh my... it sounds like a horrible thing to me. If you close the bridges and something really terrible happens, it also impedes escape routes as well as how to get emergency resources in in a timely, well managed fashion.

Glad I"m not there for that period of time!

Anonymous said...

Key was added this week after consultation with Arlington and VDOT..66 inside the Beltway is now for buses only and several other Arlington roads like Rt50 from Wash. blvd to Roosevelt are closed. Key cant hold the bailout from the other 3 bridges.. Sousa/south cap is closed now too as well as the SE/SW freeway. I guess its easier to keep people away completeties :-) The news this morning said they want people to just go around the Beltway and come in through Maryland if they have to get through town. I hope you have a leave slip in for the day since you cant even bring a bike into the secure zone....just reporting the party line.. not agreeing with the overkill...BV

Alan Scott said...

It's DC's sneaky way of getting us to exercise by making us walk! :O

Herb said...

I'm wondering if anyone is going to come any more. Regardless I am concerned about parking in DC neighborhhods now that they have created a "No Parking zone from 11th St to 21st St from K to P.