But, given how many Christians behave, it's no wonder we each had that reaction.
A family member who is a devout Christian, teaches Sunday School, leads the family in prayer and regularly spouts bible verses found out about the true nature of the LTR's and my relationship this year. This year, she failed, for the first time, to send a Christmas card.
"And they'll know we are Christians by our love," I used to sing in Vacation Bible School. Either that was a lie or the Christians today running around passing laws and generally foaming at the mouth have no concept of what Jesus actually meant. Like when He said "Love one another as you would yourself."
I find it interesting just how many "Christians" completely ignore the teachings of Christ. Ironic.
Amazingly enough, not only do these people pretend to be "Christians", but they seemingly cannot understand context in the least. While the new testament teaches love and acceptance; t only reinforces the same messages from the old testament.
I only wish these people would sit down and read the "constitution of Christianity" from cover to cover...all the way from the beginning to the end.
Oh well, I suspect many more souls will be surprised by those that didn't make it into heaven than by those who did. And I'm certain there are a few who will be shocked, even appalled at where they end up!
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