Friday, April 11, 2008

After a short stay in America, Michelangelo's David returned to Florence

Courtesy my friend Stevo.


Anonymous said...

It definitely seems to be the manner in which America represents itself.

Sad that we allow our image to be so obese.

Anonymous said...

Wait, where are his enormous D&G shades and his H2 with 20" rims?

clairens's personal blurbs said...

actually UK is not far behind this became the same..lots of cheap unhealthy food, which is tasty and easy to prepare, however they are usually full of sugar. the most surprising for me was the natural low fat yogurt. I ate it and it tasted really familiar to me, but it was not yogurt taste. and then i looked at the ingredients. 8% sugar. It was like what my father sometimes eats as a tasty treat..sour cream mixed with sugar. but when he eats that, he eats a few teaspoons..and now i bought a pint of it, for a tenth of the price of sour cream with sugar. and i wanted to eat something healthy..yogurt with vegetables..and i just gained 16 ponds in 3 months or even less, but after 3 months i was 16-20 ponds heavier than when i took me a year to get back to my original weight after I came home.