Saturday, April 05, 2008

Down Time

I've been experiencing some down time.

I mean this in several ways. I've not been blogging, so I've been down as a blogger.

I'm also down in mood. Depression is like a tar that smothers your soul, your dreams and hopes, your desire to move.

Oddly enough, I've had a wildly productive week at work.

I'll snap out of this. But until then, I'm having me some down time.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes our down time is just our body trying to recharge itself that we may be more productive and more pleasant than previously. Although, I can't imagine you being more pleasan; you've always provided a moment of inspiration to many of us.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes our down time is just our body trying to recharge itself that we may be more productive and more pleasant than previously. Although, I can't imagine you being more pleasant; you've always provided a moment of inspiration to many of us.


Anonymous said...

Sorry you've been down my friend. I was wondering what was up. I hope you start to feel like your old self again. :)