Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Children of Gay Couples Don't Matter in Maryland

Maryland is now officially not marry land for gays, with yesterday's MD Supreme Court decision declaring that denying gay couples their nuptials is not unconstitutional. What troubles me is the apparent reasoning:

In reversing a lower court's decision, the divided Court of Appeals ruled that limiting marriage to a man and a woman does not discriminate against gay couples or deny them constitutional rights. Although the judges acknowledged that gay men and lesbians have been targets of discrimination, they said the prohibition on same-sex marriage promotes the state's interest in heterosexual marriage as a means of having and protecting children.

Um, hello...many gay couples have kids (and many straight married people do not). Like so many others opponents of gay marriage, the Maryland supremes are hiding behind the kids of straight parents while ignoring the children of gay couples. If it's in the state's interest to protect children who are progeny of straight people, why isn't it in the state's interest to protect the kids of gays?

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