Friday, December 22, 2006
It's Not Too Late to Get Your Festivus Pole
Dissembling Hillary
"Hillary is an avatar of an existential dread skulking in the hearts of every couple who've tried to put together a life since the feminist revolution. This anxiety explains why the darkest question a liberal feminist can ask is: Why didn't she leave the [SOB]? And it's why the coarsest question a conservative man can ask is: Who would do the [B-word]? . . . Hillary has come to embody a dark fear in the hearts of modern men: the wife who neglects the joys of the bedroom for her career . . .
Ouch. More Hil analysis in today's Howie Kurtz column."The flip side to Hillary's ambition evokes every career woman's greatest fear. How fragile is marriage? It can come apart as quickly as that girl delivering the pizza can snap her thong . . .
Celebrating the Winter Solstice
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Green Lantern -- the Old Krazy Kat
Anyway, the point of this wasn't to go on about my self-conscious body image, but to bring to light this historical fact.
The Green Lantern is in a building that was once used as a carriage house, a place where they kept horse-drawn carriages and sometimes the horses too. Most carriage houses in DC -- as I imagine is true in most cities -- were converted into livable dwellings for people when people no longer needed carriages and cities grew.
The carriage house that is now the Green Lantern was converted into a watering hole at least as early as 1920. It was called the Krazy Kat. A gay diarist at the time (Jeb Alexander) makes this entry about it on July 23, 1920:
Tonight he tried to get me to persuade me to go with him to the Krazy Kat, a 'Bohemian" joint in an old stable up near Thomas Circle. He told me about the conversation in there, of artists, musicians, atheists, professors.In short -- queers! I just think it's cool to be going to a gay bar in 2006 that was a gathering place for gays nearly 100 years ago. The Krazy Kat figures several times in Jeb's diary. I know he'd get a kick out of what it has become.
I'm nervous about this because I don't have much faith in Blogger support if I have problems.
So if I dissapear from the blogosphere you know my incompetence combined with Blogger's lack of support has eliminated Scott's Take.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Iran Says It's Nuclear
The announcement of Iran as a "nuclear power" is bound to significantly escalate tensions between the West and Iran, and marks a dramatic stage in the Islamic Republic's nuclear campaign.Ya Think?
"Dude, That's Your Mom!"
2) Many years later she took in a foster son
3) The foster son -- now 15 -- found the nude photos , now quite valuable and thought he found a secret porn stash.
4) The foster son did what boys will do when finding a secret porn stash. The pictures are ruined.
5) The mom sues the foster agency that gave her her son.
Full story here.
Thanks to Gay Orbit, whom I'm quoting in the title of this post.
A Milestone
He anncounced the news to me "I poop!"
I'm so proud.
And a little sad, because, there was a part of me that, aside from the odor, really enjoyed changing his diaper. When I took him back to his mothers in Hawaii last month I changed him at the airport before handing him over and it occured to me that I was likely changing his last diaper.
Diaper changing is a very intimate bonding experience, in case you've never done it. He and I would make a game of it. Or we'd talk. During diaper changing you see total trust. It was while changing his diaper I saw him pull two concepts together. He asked for the LTR, whom he calls "Pappa." I said "Pappa's at work." To which he said, "Pappa, work. Daddy, home." On his own he put two people and two seperate concepts together. It's really amazing to watch that process come together -- almost like you can see the synapses connecting before you very eyes.
But, he's pooping like a big boy now.
I'm so proud.
DC's Flunking School System's Leader to Get $25,000 Bonus
The number of failing schools in DC rose from 80 to 118
Test Scores have not risen
The Feds have said the DC schools system is "high risk" for misusing funds
Enrollment declined from 62,000 to 58,000
The DC Schoolboard Superintendent Clifford B. Janey earns $250,000 per year and is the highest paid DC government official.
The DC School Board is about to give him a $25,000 bonus.
For what? It's a crime -- once again the adults in this city fail our kids because they prove, over and over again, that we're not serious about improving our schools. That this pathetic record could be rewarded with a $25,000 bonus is an outrage.
Bush Admits Stalemate
Ok, so the guy at 1600 Penna Ave. gets it after all.
"We're not winning, we're not losing." Any run-of-the-mill high school football coach would say if you're not winning, you're losing.
Some random thoughts:
- The American people deserve an honest assessment of where things stand. But are our interests really served by comments like Colin Powell's that the military is almost "broken?" What message does that send to the enemy?
- Where are the extra troops going to come from? I met a marine recruiter Sunday at a Christmas party who was complaining about the dearth of new recruits. Does this move us a step closer to the re-instatement of the draft?
- John Kerry: The Post notes he advocated an additional 40,000 troops in Iraq in 2004. But not now. He was for more troops before he was against them.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
All I want for Christmas
And then, he said, let's all get together for dinner and just share a small moment of selflessness.
A cool concept. Christmas just got a little brighter.
I think I'd support a withdrawl except that I fear a massive bloodbath - and that blood would be on our hands (as is the blood of innocent Iraqis who have died since we invaded). That outcome seems morally indefensible. A withdrawl leaving Iraq in ruins would show allies that the U.S. can't be trusted or depended upon.
But staying and asking U.S. troops to die for a lost cause is morally wrong as well.
The conundrum of Bush ignoring his Joint Chiefs' criticism of his idea of a "surge" of troops is of his own making, since he has famously said he'd do whatever the commanders on the ground tell him is needed. I would point out that Presidents have often ignored their generals' advice and issued pointed orders -- Lincoln would be the obvious example and more recently, JFK in the Cuban Missile Crisis. Unfortunately, Bush is no JFK or Honest Abe. He's not even a GHWB.
So...we can't stay and we can't leave.
Run, Rudy Run
I think they're nil.
But let Rudy do what Perot tried and failed - run as an independent. The two-party process which has polarized the country into extremes -- at least as far as presidential primary politics are concerned -- has failed us. In 2004 it produced two candidates miserably unequal to our times, and likely will again. I'm not quite ready to jump on the Rudy bandwagon, but an independent run by the hawkish but socially libertarian sounds interesting and may be just what the presidential campaign needs.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Matt Damon as....Capt. Kirk?
Oh my. It just gets me all excited all over again to go where no man has gone before (with the possible exception of Ben Afleck).
Update: Just a rumor. For now.
Meanwhile, in Norway
Apparently the prize, judging from the second photo, is a giant bottle of lube.
Go Norway!
Dobson Flubs Facts on Same Sex Parenting
In a Time column he cited the research of psychologists Carol Gilligan and Dr. Kyle Pruett and asserted that same sex parenting is harmful to children. The two psychologists are crying foul. Writes Gilligan:
My work in no way suggests same-gender families are harmful to children or can't raise these children to be as healthy and well adjusted as those brought up in traditional households.Adds Pruett:
On page 134 of the book you site in your piece, I wrote, "What we do know is that there is no reason for concern about the development or psychological competence of children living with gay fathers. It is love that binds relationships, not sex."
But let's give the final word to Terrance, who is proud of to be the son of two fathers.
Virginia Churches Secede to Nigeria
Said a congregant:
"I want to do what's right in the Lord's eyes," said Vicki Robb, 53, an Alexandria public relations executive, who said the church's leftward drift was becoming intolerable. "It's kind of embarrassing when you tell people that you're Episcopal."
But soon it may be embarrassing to tell people you're from Virginia.
Some Good News From Iran
Bush's biggest blunder was choosing the wrong enemey. Iran is the real threat.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
A Phrase that Should be Retired
This has been as overused in 06 political writing as "At the end of the day." Let's give it a burial with the demise of 2006, shall we? And invent something fresh for 2007.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Faith Takes a Holiday
Christopher Scott gets to heart of what I've been thinking lately in a thoughtful post on his blog.
On personal faith vs. religion, he says:
I've always struggled with maintaining faith. While I do have faith in a great many things, I increasingly find myself questioning my ability to continue to believe in that which cannot be proven.On the rise of Christianism he says:
I'm not referring to religion, per se, because with religion I know exactly where I stand. As a sociologist, I see religion as a quantifiable social construction, a functional template of culture and philosophy and ideology molded together to serve a common societal cause. Sometimes that cause is to oppress (as Marx suggested), other times it is to unite (as postulated by Durkheim), but always it is to guide.
But today I see my faith waning. I'm having difficulty believing in the goodness of my fellow man as the hate-spewing fundamentalists that compose the Religious Right continue to find new and repugnant ways to spread their corrupt message of fear and ignorance to the masses. Take, for example, the new video game based on the popular Left Behind series of books about the Rapture. As I discovered earlier this week in an eloquently-written post by thephoenixnyc, the game lifts religious intolerance to staggering new heights by creating a playable scenario in which gamers must either convert people to Christianity or else kill them.
It would be tempting to write this disturbance off as the nonsensical babblings of a lunatic fringe, but prominent groups like Focus on the Family and the Christian Coalition, groups that boast memberships in the hundreds of thousands, have a strong voice that rings out loud and clear. Terrified of progress and evolution, they reinforce their backwards conservative agenda in more than just the church, reaching government, education, community, and the media. These people are powerful, and they're everywhere.
And quite frankly that scares me. Because when it comes to issues of diversity, freedom, and human rights, we all know where these groups stand. Rather than truly embracing the teachings of Jesus — teachings of togetherness and brotherhood and acceptance — as they falsely purport to do, they redefine the concept of "people of faith" to exclude people like me and use video games to teach children that it's okay — no, necessary — to murder those who are different.
It's quite right to be afraid. We're living in a time when those who think they have a right to force their religious beliefs on others with the backing of the law have gained acendancy. A Christianist president has ended habeas corpus, the bedrock of limited government power and individual freedom. Christianist groups demand that the Bible be made the only book that can be used to swear in Members of Congress. Kids are trained at Jesus Camp that George W. Bush is a God-chosen president.
So forgive me if I can't help feeling like that popular bumper sticker -- "Jesus, save me from your followers."
Christmas Shopping
Christmas is, of course the "Season of Universal Love" according to Bette Midler's ill-advised remake of "From a Distance." It's also a time of sibling rivalry and this year, regarding my sister, I'm gonna get the bitch.
Each year there's a competition for who can get the "best" gifts for mom and dad. Last year she set me up. When I called her and innocently asked what she was getting our parents, she ran through a typical, run of the mill Christmas gift exchange. Then on Christmas day, I sat there in horror as my Dad unwrapped my sister's present -- a beautifully framed montage of photos of my sister and him through the years, along with a poem about a daughter's love for her Dad. I fumed as I watched the tears roll down his craggy face while I contemplated the sweaters and ties for him in my Sears gift wrapped packages.
Of course, the year before, I won. I had an old -- ancient, really -- album (you know those round vinyl things you put on turntables, put a needle on it, made it spin so you could hear scratchy sounding music) of my mom's high school band, circa 1959. I took it to the recording studio I use, and we re-mastered it and I turned it into a CD. I even re-created the label that was on the original LP. Mom loved it. And she commented to me recently about how much she plays it. So take that, Sis.
So yes, Christmas, Santa, peace, joy...and can just wipe last year's smirk off your face.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Hoopefully my schedule and my tension will abate soon and I'll be back writing my regular useless fluff.
In the meantime, pass the prozac.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Talking Cows
But it's always the case when a visionary, such as Billy Graham, becomes an institution. Someone will try to exploit it. Sad it's Graham's own son. Family values, anyone?
Saturday, December 09, 2006
The Sarah Brightman Challenge
Can you understand what the hell Sarah Brightman is singing? I mean, the woman can't enunciate to save her marriage. And what's with the Morticia look in a Christmas concert?
(Yes, I woke up on the catty side today...)
Presidential Tantrums
Jump up and down and scream you're the commander and chief all you want, but you still lost the war in Iraq and maybe even the War on Terror.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Priest of the Month
The Sappiest Love Song Ever
The answer, is surely this one. Can anyone think of others?
Hunky Male Clerk (unfortunately with bad teeth): The Metro Weekly Coverboys are either too boring or too gay.
Female Clerk: Can't they be both at the same time?
HMC (uwbt): Not lately. Look, his "most unusual place to have sex" is in a car. That's not unusual.
Me: Unless the car was on the showroom floor.
(and thinking to myself: or in a traffic jam on I-95 while heading north from Virginia Beach)
Friday Hunk of the Week

This is actor Sebastian LaCause, nominated by a Scott's Take reader (we think we're up to five, now). The staff at Scott's Take is glad to be responsive to our readers (especially when we're sitting here scratching our balls trying to decide who the hell to feature).
This photo is from Sebastian's very helpful "beefcake" gallery.
He can sing and dance, too! (Note to the LTR: He's from Akron)
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Grandma and Me

I can't resist posting this. Call it self-indulgent. Two years ago at Thanksgiving I sat with my grandmother and put my arm around her shoulders. Her comment: "It's been a long time since someone held me," she said. When I saw her again (Thanksgiving, 2005) I wanted to give her human, physical contact and held her hand. This is a photo of that moment. It was the last picture taken of my grandmother and I. She died almost exactly a year later.
Love, Right-Wing Style
Obviously, we're saddened at the spectacle of the Vice President's daughter, Mary Cheney, living in an open lesbian relationship, and now bringing a child into a home that is fatherless by design. In our view, this is another case of the "gay" movement putting its wants (in this case, having a child) above what's best for children. "Two mommies" or "two daddies" will never substitute for a home with a married mom and a dad, and it is sad when men or women model immoral homosexual behavior before innocent children in a home setting. -- Peter LaBarbera
I guess Dick Cheney will not be a strong enough masculine presence in his grandchild's life.
The irony to me is that every gay couple I know who has decided to have children, whether through adoption or through biological means, has done so after an agonizing soul searching process. Those children will grow up surronded by love. Never substitute for male-female parents? Gimme a break. If this child grows up in a household with a mom and dad who hate each other and where there is physical violence present it's preferable to growing up in a household filled with same sex non-violent love.? Growing up in a household with a mom and a dad is no sure fire bet for happiness.
And by the way, it's none of these fucking right wing nut job's business what Dick Cheney's daughter does in her private life. And that's the larger issue...they want to legislate the type of personal, private family life we all can have. And life is simply larger than their little pea brains can comphrehend.
From a Distance Part II
And I have to say that I don't like Bette's song, From A Distance as I always thought of it as too sappy.
Too sappy? But honey, Bette delivers sap with such style and art that it works. Unlike, say, hmm, let me think...Celine Dion?
From a Distance
The Best Hope for Mankind
NASA's decision to pursue a permanent base on the moon is welcome news. And the Russkis want in, another good sign. Although these still represent baby steps towards space exploration and colonization, it's a step in the right direction. To doubters that space exploration can pay big dividends here on Earth I commend you to Dr. Jerry Pournelle's book, A Step Farther Out. The announcement of water existing on Mars this week is just another example there's a lot out there we don't know. To paraphrase old Willy again, there's more to heaven than dreamt of in our philosophies.
Exploring space has another benefit -- as we realize how vast the universe is our problems on this tiny planet get awfully small. Maybe I'm pollyanna but as the opportunities out there manifest themselves surely they will be a catalyst for some unity here on old home Terra. And if not, in a few generations, some of us will be able to escape and get another chance to create a workable human society.
Mary Cheney's Child
It gives the lie to the notion that gays don't have kids. A large number of us do. True, some will never except that -- including a physician I was debating while my son was still in the womb. He referred to my son as "artificial." Hmm, nothing artificial his mother's morning sickness. And nothing artificial in the thousands of poopy, smelly diapers that have been hurriedly and lovingly changed in the last two years.
And, I would have to guess gay parents on average are probably better parents than our straight cohorts. Why? Simply because we are more likely to have put more pre-thought and planning into the decision even to have a baby. No doubt Mary and Heather spent a great deal of time discussing and agonizing over whether to have a baby and a great deal of time deciding how to go about it. I know we did. I'm equally sure my parents never did. If you're straight you grow up, get married, have kids, end of discussion.
I will admit to having fears about how accepted my son would be within my family. I never doubted my parents would accept him and they have. I was uncertain about my extended family. With the doctor's word "artificial" ringing in my ears, I was worried that my extended family would not really look upon him as one of their own.
I shouldn't have worried. My son is impossible to resist and my family -- regardless of their deeply held "red state" political beliefs -- has a big heart. I was proud to say that on the picture display that my Uncle produced for my Grandmother's funeral, my sons picture was there with the rest of the grandchildren and great grandchildren.
It's a paradox I've an out gay man in a conservative family, my family's actions aren't consistent with their political beliefs. One day that paradox will be resolved and it won't be resolved by casting me, my partner and our son out. It will be resolved by abandoning their homophobia. That day may not be tomorrow, but it is on the horizon. And the day will be hastened only when everyone comes out.
So, congratulations Mary Cheney and Heather Poe. May your child be healthy and happy. And may your child do all that mine has done to open hearts to your "non-traditional" family.
This is my son and his Great-Grandmother, taken last Thanksgiving, a year before her death at 93.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006
The Original Version of "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas"
Garland felt the original version of the lryics for "Have Yourself" were too dark. They were:
- Have yourself a merry little Christmas
- It may be your last
- Next year we may all be living in the past
- Have yourself a merry little Christmas
- Pop that champagne cork
- Next year we may all be living in New York.
- No good times like the olden days,
- Happy golden days of yore,
- Faithful friends who were dear to us
- Will be near to us no more.
- But at least we all will be together
- If the Lord allows.
- From now on we'll have to muddle through somehow.
- So have yourself a merry little Christmas now.
At her urging it was written to the version we know today -- although there is still some variation in the last stanza. Sometime it is sung "Through the years we all will be together, if the fates allow. Hang a shining star across the highest bough." The original rewrite -- and the lines used by Garland in the movie -- are : "Through the years we all will be together, it the fates allow. Until then we'll have to muddle through somehow."
I much prefer the latter. Families muddling through the years together. It's kinda the boiled down truth of life.
incidentally, Bette uses the "highest bough" version. Another reason I'm disappointed.
Judy Garland's Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Bette Midler's New CD -- Cool Yule
It sucks.
Well, no it doesn't suck, but it didn't live up to my expectations. Miss M can really sing but this performance was just ho-hum. Part of the problem is that for a female crooner who admires Rosemary Clooney she falls short in comparison to her idol whose voice is so identified with the season. Clooney's last Christmas album, "White Christmas"has the best renditions (that I've heard, anyway) of Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (my favorite) and White Christmas that everything else pales next to it. Including Bette's version of "Have Yourself" and "White Christmas." Her rendition of I'll Be Home for Christmas is nice and on first hearing my favorite on the CD. Her remake of From a Distance, a song I first heard in 1990 as we prepared for the first Gulf War into a Christmas "version" didn't do anything to enhance the song. The original recording is superior.
I love Bette. Like Madonna, she is a gay icon. Unlike Madonna, she can sing. To paraphrase Shakespeare, "she can suck melancholy out of a song as weasel sucks eggs." Unfortunately she fails to do that here and has put just another bland Christmas album on the market.
Getting Old
The vision loss has hit me right on schedule. This really sucks.
The Bible is Not "America's" Book
It's about the newly elected Rep. from Minnesota, who wants to be sworn into Congress with his hand on the Quran, not the Bible. The AFA is asking Congress to pass a law that would make it illegal for a Member of Congress to be sworn in using any book other than the Bible. Money quote:
What Ellison and his Muslim and leftist supporters are saying is that it is of no consequence what America holds as its holiest book; all that matters is what any individual holds to be his holiest book.
Well, yes...don't dictate to me what is holy. And "America's Holiest Book?" Sweet can you claim to be so "American" and have such total disdain for the First Amendment? If making the Bible "America's book" isn't establishing religion I don't know what is.
This email, though shows the AFA for what it is -- another group that wants to pass laws making its version of Christianity legally compelled for everyone.
Bass and Lehmkhul Splitsville?
But if it is, Lance, I'll get the convertible. You bring the champagne. Just leave your CDs at home.
Rauch on Kameny
Torture Watch
Monday, December 04, 2006
Back Once Again
I am glad to be home. Since Thanksgiving, I have been home a total of three nights and have travelled nearly 16,000 miles.
Friday, December 01, 2006
The Polynesian Beach Hostel vs. the Cabana at Waikiki
Now, in past trips, including the one with the LTR, we stayed at the Cabana at Waikiki.
I thought this trip I'd try a hostel, the Polynesian Beach Hostel. After all, I could get a private room and only have to share a bath...and pay less than $50 per night and actually be closer to the beach than is the Cabana.
When I checked in, the buff shirtless older (my age) surfer at the front desk told me my private room was only accessible by walking through one of the dorm rooms. My first thought was, what do you mean, walk through a dorm room?
My second thought was....SURFER BOYS!!!
Imagine my horror when I went to put my key in the lock and I spied through the window into the said dorm room and saw...tits. As in the female breast. The surfer dude failed to mention it was a CO-ED dorm. And apparently I was the only co to the female ed in this particular menage.
They didn't seem to mind as I hauled my luggage through their room to mine to nurse my dashed expectations.
My room was okay if austere but one object grabbed my attention. An extra bed. Although this was supposed to be a private room how private could it be if I had to walk through a gauntlet of surfer chicks, past a shared bathroom into a room with another bed? What if I were there peacefully sleeping and some complete stranger walked in and pushed my suitcase of what I assumed was a spare bed and sprawled out there?
To make matters worse, the shared bathroom was filthy. Now, I am no neatnik. But there were dark curly hairs on the toilet seat that I knew were not from me. And there was no toilet paper, which meant I had to walk down to the front desk and ask for some, then, carrying it like a urine sample through a crowded doctor's office, through the co-ed dormitory back to the place where it was needed most.
I decided I would give it a night.
And I did. And the next morning I called the Cabana.
They welcomed this prodigal gay traveler with open arms...and clean toilet seats.
I learned some things this trip...including the fact I'm not as bohemian as I thought I was (or wanted to be). I figured some other things out as well...stay tuned.
The Average Blog
Actually, I think I have four readers. Although I may have lost some of you over my inability to update over the last few weeks.
Blogging in Hawaii
But I hope to catch up...
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Carrie Isabelle Laughrige Barker
In many ways she was the typical grandmother...plump, a wavy mane of snowy white hair and the ability to bake chocolate cookies unmatched by any other. Her cooking was a central fact of Barker family life when I was a kid. Most Sunday afternoons after church all or some of her five sons and their families would gather at Ma Barker's dining room for fried chicken, homemade noodles (often imitated, never matched), mashed potatoes and various vegetables. I can still hear my grandfather (who passed 11 years ago) intoning his usual prayer: "bless this food that it may nourish our bodies, and bless the one who prepared it."
As a young adult, traveling between my new home of Washington, DC and my parents' house in Illinois, I would stop over at my grandparent's in Ohio as a halfway point. I would wake to the sounds of her stirring in the kitchen while the smell of fresh bacon enticed me to crawl out from underneath the quilt that she (or her mother) had pieced and stitched together.
In other ways she was not the typical grandmother. She wasn't overly affectionate or sentimental. She was sharp as a tack and sometimes that sharpness found its way to her tongue. Her father was Scots-Irish and her temperament was more given to a stoic Scot than a jolly Irishman.
And yet -- she had an impish side and when her funny bone was tickled she would let loose with a girlish giggle. My grandad once told me that, after having dated Isabel (she went by her middle name) for five years he finally decided he should get a kiss and "chased her all over the back seat." My grandad might not have used those exact words but that's the meaning I remember and I have no doubt that grandma met those words with a twinkle in her eye, a giggle and sharp retort.
One of my favorite stories of my grandmother is of her pulling her kids in a wagon across the street from the house to the feed mill my grandpa owned at the time. It's an image that squares with my recollection of her: strong, enterprising, independent. The mill, no longer in operation, still stands diagonally across the street from the house where she lived, raised five boys, helped ride herd on countless grandchildren and great-grandchildren. And she left this earth knowing (if memory serves) two great-great-grandchildren.
Neither she nor my grandad were overly demonstrative or affectionate ( I was shocked when I saw them kiss on New Year's Eve at midnight in 1971 while watching Guy Lombardo ring in the New Year). But they still managed to provide love, strength and support.
One example that sticks vividly in my memory is when one of my pet rabbits was attacked by a dog. It was clear the rabbit -- Gretel -- wouldn't make it. My parents shipped me to spend the night at my grandparents, I guess to spare me the pain of watching my pet die. The next morning my grandmother gave me the news that Gretel had died during the night.
I think I took the news quietly, like a big boy, and walked out to the front porch -- the "sun parlor" as they called it. There I sat and silently mourned the death of my pet, trying not to cry. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my grandparents standing in the doorway, watching, my grandpa with his arm around her waist. I don't know if they knew that I saw them there, but I felt their concern, love and support. It's an image -- the two of them standing in that doorway -- that I think of to this day whenever I feel overwhelmed or alone.
I'm thinking of it now.
Goodnight, Grandma. And say hello to Grandpa.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
B-Movie Beefcake
In the meantime, here's a fun place to visit to see some old-fashioned Hollywood beefcake.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
A Baptist Minister Speaks the Truth About the Bible and Homosexuality
Money quote:
Personal Testimony: I prayed to God every night as a teen to take "those feelings" away and yet every day "those feelings" dogged my every step. "Those feelings" never went away. At the risk of losing my parents, my sister, everything, I one day realized that if God wasn't answering my prayers by taking "those feelings" away he was answering it another way -- saying -- I made you the way you are, and it is good. So stop pestering Me.So, why are so many church leaders (not to mention Orthodox Jewish and Muslim leaders) persisting in their view that homosexuality is wrong despite a growing stream of scientific evidence that is likely to become a torrent in the coming years? The answer is found in Leviticus 18. "You shall not lie with a man as with a woman; it is an abomination."
As a former "the Bible says it, I believe it, that settles it" kind of guy, I am sympathetic with any Christian who accepts the Bible at face value. But here's the catch. Leviticus is filled with laws imposing the death penalty for everything from eating catfish to sassing your parents. If you accept one as the absolute, unequivocal word of God, you must accept them all.
For many of gay America's loudest critics, the results are unthinkable. First, no more football. At least not without gloves. Handling a pig skin is an abomination. Second, no more Saturday games even if you can get a new ball. Violating the Sabbath is a capital offense according to Leviticus. For the over-40 crowd, approaching the altar of God with a defect in your sight is taboo, but you'll have plenty of company because those menstruating or with disabilities are also barred.
The truth is that mainstream religion has moved beyond animal sacrifice, slavery and the host of primitive rituals described in Leviticus centuries ago. Selectively hanging onto these ancient proscriptions for gays and lesbians exclusively is unfair according to anybody's standard of ethics. We lawyers call it "selective enforcement," and in civil affairs it's illegal.
A better reading of Scripture starts with the book of Genesis and the grand pronouncement about the world God created and all those who dwelled in it. "And, the Lord saw that it was good." If God created us and if everything he created is good, how can a gay person be guilty of being anything more than what God created him or her to be?
Interesting to read some of the responses to the good minister's article. Typical (although there are thoughtful ones as well) is this one:
England Forever
My ancestors were Scots. And my Scottish blood hasn't been so thinned that the prospect of Scotland's independence doesn't blow some sunshine up my kilt.
The Chickens Have Come Home to Roost
THE CHICKENS HAVE COME HOME TO ROOST -- Chickens scratch around in the barnyard, in the fields and woods during the day. But at night they come home to the hen-house to roost. This saying is comparing a person's evil or foolish deeds to chickens. If a person does wrong, the "payback" might not be immediate. But at some point, at the end of the day, those "chickens" will come home to roost. "One has to face the consequences of one's past actions. In English, the proverb goes back to Chaucer's 'Parson's Tale' (c 1390). It was also know to Terence (about 190-159 B.C.) First attested in the United States in the 'Life of Jefferson S. Batkins' (1871). The proverb is found in varying forms: Curses, like chickens, come home to roost; Sooner or later chickens, come home to roost..." From "Random House Dictionary of Popular Proverbs and Sayings" by Gregory Y. Titelman (Random House, New York, 1996).
Monday, November 20, 2006
Remembering the OJ Verdict
A Tough Interview
Norway's Sexiest Men
Drivers Behaving Badly
Sunday, November 19, 2006
My Mother
Still, she's no puritan. She makes a point of calling her governor, Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, "Gov. Blow-job-o-vich." I don't care who your mother is, you just don't expect to hear the words "blow job" cross her, ah, lips.
Life offline
The 'rents left a while ago, the LTR is at the gym and the kid is napping. So I'm taking a peek at the Internet to see what I've been missing. More later.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Chili Amar's Unwanted Body Hair
Which of course always leads my mind to where on her body she is getting hair removed, which are not thoughts that mix well with an oatmeal breakfast.
I know men go for this as well...something I've never really understood. Of course I live with someone who has created toxic chemical dumps on his body with mutliple hair-inducing products to try and grow hair, to tragi-comic effects.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
RNC Talking Points and the Irony of James Baker, III
We need to refocus on our conservative principles of less government, lower taxes, less regulation, strong national defense, judicial restraint, and fiscal conservatism.Let's see:
"conservative principles" means "whatever will keep us in power (see Rich Galen)."
Less government: See Patriot Act and Detainee bill
Lower taxes: okay, they have us there
Less regulation: See WV coal mine accident victims
Strong National Defense: See "Slam Dunk" intelligence reporting
Judicial restraint: See Terry Schiavo
Fiscal Conservatism: See Prescription Drug Benefit
The Republicans became less about principles before the election and more about power.
One reflection as Bush 41 returns to the stage: I was in New Orleans when Bush the elder gave his acceptance speech and said his famous "Read my lips, no new taxes" line. And was serving his administration when he reversed course and supported new taxes. I remember reading in the WashPo at the time a Jim Baker quote....where he said of the inconsistency of the lips and the tax raising, well, one was campaigning and this is governing.
I understand that governing involves compromise. But what you say to GET power matters. The problem with the Bushies is that the principles are soft and Baker's dichotomy of politics and governing is what begat the "say whatever it takes" mentality of the GOP in 2006.
Ironic that Baker has to return to clean up the mess.
Take My Picture Daddy
Monday, November 13, 2006
Andrew Sullivan and the Metro Weekly Interview
I've always admired Sullivan, even if I don't agree with him 100% of the time. He is almost usually thoughtful, and almost always profound, as he is in this interview. Like the answer to the question, "is there a point where the closet becomes morally indefensible?:
SULLIVAN: It's never been morally defensible. It's just humanly understandable.And he echoes Frank Kameny, a plus in my eyes:
By diverting attention from the fundamental issue -- that gay people are fine, gay is good -- I think we actually helped [our opponents]. Frank Kameny is the great example. Just never, ever, ever concede the principle.And my son likes him...last Friday, after the three of us lunched at Trios, our son saw Sullivan on the cover or MW and made a beeline, opened the newsbox and carried a copy like a talisman for the next 30 eternity in two-year-old time.

From a Christian Blogger on Haggard
The first thing is an admonition to not be judgmental in this case. The man is in fact guilty of all sorts of wickedness...If you're going to make admonitions you should follow them...but then again, the religious right behaves by its own rules -- and we should just follow them.
Outing Ken Mehlman
I've never been in favor of outing, although recent events like the GOP's shameless gaybaiting and the examples of Foley and Haggard make it tempting to see outing in a new light.
I don't know whether Mehlman is gay or not. Like everyone else in DC, I've heard the rumors, just as I heard the rumors about Foley (which does not make the Mehlman rumors true).
And that what makes outing so problamatic. Unless you've had sex with the guy, how do you know?
But the real problem I have with it is the self-righteousness of it. Sure, it's easy to feel like you have the moral high ground in the case of a Haggard, who's paying for gay sex while supporting one of the most anti-gay provisions on the state ballot.
But what if he was opposing a hate crimes bill? Do you out him then? Not all gays favor hate crimes legislation. Who decides? Madonna?
The irony of outing, though, is that everyone already knows. Even Lou Dobson knew about Haggard. Everyone knew about Foley. And if Mehlman is gay no one who has a gaydar or good fashion sense will be surprised. Memo to all who are in the closet: people know. And your attempts to stay "hidden" only make you look silly, not only to friends and family but to the gay prostitute who's sucking your dick.
The Election
The election also showed the term "conservative" is no longer meaningful. I don't know what conservative means nowadays, and neither does Bush or Rove, at least until they take the next poll.
However, we just elected a lot more Democrats who are closer to the political center than the left, while the House leadership is far left...which means some old fashioned intra-party dog fighting the Dems are famous for.
With a morally bankrupt GOP and a raucous Democratic caucus , Americans may not regain much confidence in either party between now and 08.
It's time for another Ross Perot, without the looney tunes.
The Kid Makes a Contribution to the Blog
The Return of George H.W. Bush
It remains to be seen whether Poppy's men can bail W (and thus the country) out of the current mess. Or at least make things somewhat better. Maybe they can remind W. of some lessons he probably learned at daddy's knee:
1) play well with others (like Europe, which includes France. And maybe even Syria and Iran. You may be between I Raq and a hard place someday, and need help)
2) Don't hit (or waterboard, sexually abuse, electrocute or transfer prisoners to third world countries to be waterboarded, sexually abused...)
3) A penny saved is a penny earned (avoid entitlement programs like a prescription drug benefit program that will bankrupt the nation but still make seniors spit up their metamucil in an indignant fit)
4) Be wary of men who wear their religion on their sleeve (because they probably have gay hookers and meth hidden up their sleeves)
5) Don't be stubborn or prideful (no matter how many times you say "stay the course" you're not getting that nation-state!)
6) Rules are NOT meant to be broken! (Leave habeus corpus alone, dear)
7) God's voice does not sound like Karl Rove's (and Jesus doesn't talk like Dick Cheney)
"We're Number 5,239th for Take Off"
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Thursday, November 09, 2006
What Mom Wanted
To which I said, "Mom, are you watching Fox News all the time again?"
She'll be here visiting next week. I'll be sure to see she watches a little Keith Olbermann and Jon Stewart while she's here.
The Calls I Missed
- My mom (not avoiding her, really)
- A recording that called leaving the number 202/767-7639 which is some sort of help desk for something I don't need help for -- this was left muplitple times
- A foggy Assistant Artistic Director saying something about scores
- A radio station from Atlanta wanting to interview the LTR on an issue he doesn't "do" anymore
- The delivery guy with our Thai food
- And:
John McCain and Ken Mehlman, both urging us to vote for the "strong slate" of Republican candidates in the District of Columbia. Geez...these guys must of found the meth Haggard threw away. Strong slate? Let's see:
The DC GOP candidate for mayor got just 6 percent of the vote, 2 points more than the Green Party candidate.
There wasn't a Republican candidate for City Council Chair or for the Council seat in Ward 1 (my ward). The Republican candidate for the at-large district council seat actually got 2 points less votes than the Green Party candidate.
"Strong slate?" Heckuva job, guys...
Excuse me, I need to go call my mother.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Victory and Defeat
A defeat for marriage equality in seven states across the county. How many such defeats will it take to get leaders of every national gay organization to come together and plan a true grassroots movement for our community? Enough black tie galas...we need feet on the street in Lynchburg, in Madison, in Charleston, Knoxville and so on. The only bright spot was Arizona...where good ole Barry Goldwater conservatism prevailed.
But, overall, last night was a great defeat for a cringing, corrupt GOP and a great victory for the Democrats and a victory for divided government. Here's hoping, in the end, last night will have been a good victory for the US of A. Old Lady Liberty could use some new help.
Same Sex Marriage Ban Results
Ballot initiatives to ban same-sex marriage and/or define marriage strictly as a union between one man and one woman will be voted on in eight states:
Ariz. State Proposition 107-Define Marriage Results | ||
Approve | Votes | % |
No | 583,830 | 51% |
Yes | 551,231 | 49% |
Key: * Incumbent | ![]() Precincts: 100% | Updated: 6:19 AM ET | Source: AP |
Colo. State Amendment 43 Marriage Results | ||
Approve | Votes | % |
Yes | 762,592 | 56% |
No | 600,451 | 44% |
Key: * Incumbent | ![]() Precincts: 87% | Updated: 6:20 AM ET | Source: AP |
Idaho State Amendment HJR2 Marriage Results | ||
Approve | Votes | % |
Yes | 251,026 | 63% |
No | 147,470 | 37% |
Key: * Incumbent | ![]() Precincts: 93% | Updated: 6:19 AM ET | Source: AP |
S.C. State Amendment 1 Define Marriage Results | ||
Approve | Votes | % |
Yes | 812,679 | 78% |
No | 228,638 | 22% |
Key: * Incumbent | ![]() Precincts: 100% | Updated: 6:21 AM ET | Source: AP |
S.D. State Amendment C Define Marriage Results | ||
Approve | Votes | % |
Yes | 169,807 | 52% |
No | 158,406 | 48% |
Key: * Incumbent | ![]() Precincts: 100% | Updated: 6:18 AM ET | Source: AP |
Tenn. State Amendment Define Marriage Results | ||
Approve | Votes | % |
Yes | 1,407,769 | 80% |
No | 342,286 | 20% |
Key: * Incumbent | ![]() Precincts: 99% | Updated: 6:19 AM ET | Source: AP |
Va. State Amendment: Marriage Results | ||
Approve | Votes | % |
Yes | 1,322,130 | 57% |
No | 999,854 | 43% |
Key: * Incumbent | ![]() Precincts: 100% | Updated: 6:24 AM ET | Source: AP |
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Rockin' the DC Vote -- YAAAAAWN
For you outside the beltway types, DC is so overwhelmingly Democrat, and we have no voting Congressional representation so the only real candidates are local, city government. The decisions were made in the primary in Sept.
But wouldn't it be a hoot if so many dems were complacent enough and the DC GOP had it's act together enough to turn out enough Republicans to elect whoever the Republican candidate was for Mayor? Won't happen, but kind of fun to think about, at least funner than John Kerry at open mic night at the Improv. Well, maybe not that fun.
The polling place was "staffed," as every polling place I've ever polled in, by little old ladies. They can't see, read or hear very well (both the LTR and I had to help our "staffer" find our names on the rolls) but how would the Republic function without them?
The LTR and I are settling in for a night of Thai-take out and Democracy. And hopefully a Democratic takeover.
I've come a long way from the days when I worked for Lee Atwater, God rest his impish soul.
The New Republic Says Dem "Tidal Wave" will Only be "Ripple"
When voters are presented with a generic congressional ballot, Democrats win 53-39. But there's simply no way that this will translate. Virginia, Missouri, and Tennessee, for instance, are hosting three of the nation's tightest Senate races. But travel a step down the ballot, and you will find only one close contest in those states' combined 29 house races. The entire state of California has only two somewhat tight contests--and it wouldn't even have those, except for a pair of GOP incumbents' associations with Jack Abramoff.
UPDATE: Whoops.
If the Republicans Win
If the excesses of the GOP go unpunished at the ballot box I fear acts of unchecked desperation that will be embarked upon by an administration with two years of no accountability to no one.
But we will have been given front row seats.
Vote Dem. Or don't vote.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Johnny Carson Spoofing Dishonest Politicians
Phone Home
South Dakota
I'm doing it...sitting here in the District of Columbia I'm feeling left out...we've no national candidates to vote for (we don't have a vote for a Rep. or Sen. here) and Mayorlicious is effectively elected. Tomorrow is a formality here.
But we can influence folks out there in the hinterlands...and while we're at it, let's remind people divided government is needed now more than ever.
Washington Post Hooker Ads Going Up
Fishbowl DC has the details.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
It's Haggard's Wife's Fault
Of course, the only solace for a heterosexual Christian leader when his wife "lets herself go" is in the arms of a male escort after a hit of crank.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Validation at Giant
Sometime I'd like to go back to the counter, ask for validation, and have the clerk say, "you've made the right career choices, your hair looks good that short and your blog is informative and fun to read."
But I think the most I can expect is to save $2.
Another Example

of a gay man doing the decent thing.
Another example of my "series" in highlighting gay Americans who embrace the truth rather than the closet, in contrast to the Mark Foleys and Ted Haggards (allegedly) of the world.
I say allegedly on Haggard because who can say definitively what was going on between those two men in a hotel room...but Haggard's story is pretty lame. I guess to an evangelical snorting meth is better than smokin' pipe.
Hiding Torture
The Administration justifies their methods and secrecy as necessary tools --dare we say "necessary evils" -- in the war on terror. Yet most interrogation experts say torture doesn't work.
We don't know for certain what techniques are being used. We do know that the vice president thinks "dunking" is okay and we know that waterboarding has been used. We know that sexual humiliation, sexual abuse and stress positions have been used -- we've seen the photos. And we know the CIA has shipped detainees off to countries who do use torture. That's what we know. The larger truth concerning facts the government doesn't want us to know is usually a lot worse.
What is torture? Here are some methods being used today as cited in Wikopedia:
Some medieval techniques of torture remain in wide use today. For example, tearing out the nails of the fingers and toes with pliers sometimes after first driving sharp needles into the extremely tender flesh underneath is still in common use. Slowly roasting the soles of the bare feet over hot coals was updated by the Russian KGB by using the flat, hot surface of an everyday clothes iron. Methods of confinement that take advantage of modern medical knowledge are also quite common. The prisoner, suitably bound to deter the expected range of reactive motion, may be connected to an electrical apparatus, where wires are wound around his fingers and toes and an electric probe is used to deliver current to his genitals. A signal generator and attached voltmeter precisely control the intensity of the pain so inflicted. Modern torturers also avail themselves of pharmacological techniques that were unavailable in the past: an example is the injection of drugs that heighten the human brain's perception of, and reaction to, pain before any physical torture is actually employed.Who knows if any of these techniques are being used. The Administration just locks people up, denies them basic cannons of Western civilization, such as habeas corpus, and says "trust us." When all the known empirical evidence shows that we can't.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Gay Profiles in Courage -- 2
Gay Courage
I was looking for someone new to feature on my Gay Profiles in Courage series and found this instead.
Next time you encounter someone who supports ex-gay ministries, ask them if they would encourage their daughter (or neice) to marry an "ex-gay."
Friday Hunk of the Week
Gay Profiles in Courage
So, rather than engaging in glee at the thought of another (alleged) closet case hypocrite exposed, I want to highlight the lives of people who find the courage to live openly and naturally.
The first is Michael Shakelford.
Legal Stranger
She was talking about my son. And I am a "legal stranger" to him.
I wrote a note to the LTR. "I'm dying." The judge was telling me that I had zero legal rights concerning my son, All rights were vested in his mothers. My name is not on the birth certificate, his mother's partner's name is listed where it says "father."
So despite the fact that he shares my DNA, despite the fact he resembles me, despite the fact that the LTR attended birth classes with the mother, took her food during the pregnancy, cared for her lawn so she would have flowers to look at during difficult days, were present during the birth, wiping her face with a cool cloth and holding her hand, despite caring for him and feeding him at 3 in the morning, despite the fact that he calls me "Dad" and the LTR "Pappa," in the eyes of the law we are nothing but strangers to this boy we love.
Now, I know it's my fault. I didn't take advantage of legal protection when I could have and now it's too late. But I relate this because in states like Virginia ballot amendments are going before the voters that would strip gays of legal protections concerning their families. I know what that feels like. It feels like you've been vomited from the body of society. And it means for the next 16 years the ability to see my son rests solely on the good will of his mother. If she were to decree I could never see him again, there would be nothing I could do about it.
These ballot initiatives have real consequences...they aren't some abstract definition of conservative morality, they will have real meaning for real people and will do real harm to gay families...which include children.
I hope that come next Tuesday enough men and women of good will come together and choose not to make Gay Americans legal strangers to society.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Michael Moore vs. Fred Phelps
Like Joe, I despise Moore. But I despise Phelps more. He showed up at the funeral of a soldier, killed in Iraq, that my sister knew.
The Blog
The content of the blog has gotten almost 100% political, which isn't too surprising since we're closing in on election day and there's lots to write about. I always intended this blog to be about both the political and personal but the tilt entirely to the political in the past week or so has made it seem harder to blog about more personal matters. I'm not sure it's a smart mix.
There's also been fewer posts in the last several days, reflecting the fact that work has picked up and I've been off site at client meetings. Today in NJ for a pitch meeting that went well.
I find it ironic that blogger's spell check does not include the words "blog" or "blogger."
The LTR just got home. I must go.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Stop Giving Gay Translators the Boot
An Annapolis firm, VoxTec International Inc., developed the device and said it has steadily made improvements. But the goal of having a machine replace a human interpreter remains elusive, and the military is mounting a multimillion-dollar campaign to find a more capable successor, one that can translate both sides of a conversation, from English to Arabic and vice versa.In practice it sounds like a Saturday Night Live sketch:
"You say 'house search' and then it will say in Arabic: 'We're here to search your house. Please stay in this room. Do you have any weapons?'" said Tim McCune, the company's president.Why not have it translate, "Hi, how are you?" into, "Hey, are you a terrorist?"
Of course, the shortage of translators wouldn't be as acute if the military would stop discharging translators because they are gay.
According to the New Republic:
Between 1998 and 2004, the military discharged 20 Arabic and six Farsi language speakers under the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. The new data are not broken down by year, but additional figures from other reports suggest that about half the Arabic discharges came after September 11.Tell me again. Why aren't we winning in Iraq?