Friday, September 01, 2006

Cropp for Mayor?

I'm taking another look at Linda Cropp. Her shenanigans in the stadium deal left a bad taste in my mouth. But, I read her education plan. I like it.

I read Fenty's education plan. I like it less.

Cropp's is more focused and detailed and you can read her passion and commitment in it.

Fenty's is bureaucratic and bland.

What's more, Cropp's focus is dead on -- she focuses on the three legs upon which quality education stands:

  • Teachers
  • Principals
  • Parents

Fenty's plan gets at some of these things too, but not with the same focus and passion.

I believe Cropp has a better plan to improve DC public schools.

Plus, I met her last night. I was riding my bike (the powerful Mach 5) down 14th street and she was crossing with a gaggle of campaign workers on S. She walked over and introduced herself and asked for my vote. She seemed smaller than she looks on TV and she looked a little haggard. I kinda felt sorry for her.

But, that chance encounter caused me to rethink my disinterest in her and I spent some time this morning reading her education plan and Fenty's. And I liked what I saw.

She may get my vote.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Scott,

I happened upon your blog tonight, and was really encouraged to see that you are taking your time and evaluating the candidates on the face of what they can bring to the city, because this is a really important election.

I can speak from first hand experience that Linda does get the problem with our city schools, and she sees a path to helping to turn the tide. I believe that she is a responsible, level headed and experienced official who can really take DC to the next level of progress all around.

I'm not writing to ask you to dedicate your vote to Linda, but rather to thank you for taking the time to really do some research on the candidates. I firmly believe that the more you do, the more you will see that Linda is the only choice for Mayor.

PS--So glad you had that chance encounter! :)