Friday, September 22, 2006

Hire Burly Police Officers

A guy freaked out on drugs drives into the U.S. Capitol complex, dashes inside, and is stopped, not by the Capitol police, but by, as the WashPo writes, a "burly male co-worker."

Burly. Now there's a word you don't see every day.

Our elected officials have their panties in a wad over how this could have happened. "Terrorists are taking note." said Rep. Wayne Allard (R-CO) who is in charge of the Capitol. He can't understand how this could have happened what with all the money they've spent on security and new police officers.

Because when Congress spends money to fix a problem it always works, ya know?

Visiting Capitol Hill is already like visiting a military base. One of the casualties of 9/11 was the ability for ordinary citizens to wander around Capitol Hill and inside the Capitol building as you would your county courthouse. No longer. And incidents like this will only make the place more forbidding to ordinary citizens, while no amount of security will stop a terrorist, with no regard for his or her life, who is hell-bent on doing real damage.

How safe is safe?

But kudos to the burly male co-worker. And if the Capitol police would hire men like him, at least visiting the Capitol would be like visiting the Washington Plaza hotel during leather weekend.

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