Thursday, September 14, 2006

Dreaming about Condi Rice

Last night Condi Rice was in my dreams.

The Potomac River was flooding, and the glam sec'y of state came to the rescue and monitored the situation. In my dream, monitoring the situation meant driving an SUV into the river, floating downstream like flotsam, until she plunges over a big waterfall, submerges, swims out, and then goes back to do it all again. I realize there is no waterfall on the Potomac, but other than that it's pretty realistic, don't ya think?

Oh, and the dream ended with Condi and the SUV plunging over the waterfall for a final time, only this time underwater her SUV became wedged between the other SUVs she had left there and she couldn't open the doors to swim out. Miraculously the power windows still worked and the resourceful diplomat swam to safety and she lived to become John McCain's vice presidential running mate.


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