Friday, March 09, 2007

Presidential Quotes

Dana Milbank has a column today on Hillary's over use of pious platitudes on the campaign trail. Example:

"If you serve your country, your country should serve you."

A few years ago, right after 9/11, she stood at the WTC site and said, "This is not Ground Zero, it's Ground Hero." Ugh.

Which got me thinking what are the quotes from Presidents in my lifetime that pop out and define their stay in office? Here's what I can recall, top of mind:

"I will resign the presidency, at noon tomorrow." --Nixon

"Our long national nightmare is over" and "whip inflation now" -- Ford

"_" For some reason I can't think of single thing uttered by Mr. Carter. The term "misery index" comes from his era but I can't remember if he coined it or his opponents did. Any ideas?

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" -- Reagan

"Read my lips, no new taxes" -- George H.W. Bush. Of course, he said this during the campaign during his nomination speech (and this is the only presidential quote in this series I actually was on hand to see uttered in person). It defines his term because he did go on to, um, raise taxes.

"I did not have sex with that woman..." -- Clinton

"Heckuva job, Brownie." -- W.

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