"Mayor Fenty does not intend to release the opinion at this time."That, accroding to WashBlade.
"The opinion" is a memo written by former DC Attorney General Robert Spagnoletti which alledgedly opines that DC can legally recognize the same sex marriage of couples married legally in Massachusetts.
When the memo was written, DC gay activists asked then mayor Tony Williams to keep its contents secret.
Candidate Adrian Fenty promised gays he would release the memo if elected. Not quite two months in office, he breaks that promise.
The state attorney general of Rhode Island just released a memo saying his state will recognize Massacusetts same sex marriages. Dick Cheney's Wyoming will recognize MA SSMs or Canadian SSMs, thanks to the courage of a few straight Republican lawmakers.
I restate Chris Crain's and make my own arguments for moving forward with civil SSM rights in DC here.
But this move by the mayor leaves me repeating my mantra: Democrats will take our money, take our votes, but they won't take a risk on our behalf.
I had hoped for something different from Adrian Fenty. But I see he's just another pandering Democrat.
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