Friday, May 04, 2007

Debate? Not.

Why exactly do we call it a debate? The event last night featuring the three Republican front runners and the seven second-tier candidates -- three stooges and the seven dwarfs -- was anything but a "debate" (the same is true for the Democratic event last week). At most it was a joint press conference.

And what was with that weird guy running across the stage doing fly-by questions?

A true debate would allow the candidates to question each other and challenge each other. Discuss and argue over propositions. Did anyone learn anything about the three stooges and the seven dwarfs that we wouldn't know from one of their campaign events?

Chris Cizilla of the Post's The Fix has it right -- the real winner last night was Ronald Reagan. Who, it should be pointed out, made a career transforming the GOP on fiscal and defense issues, not social ones. If the three stooges were serious about emulating Reagan, they would stop selling their souls to the fundies.

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