Well, Dan has been selected to be a candidate for a second chance, if readers make him one of the top vote getters. I made a pitch for him because, if he gets selected, a charity of his choice (in this case the Gay Men's Chorus of Washington) gets a donation from the Post. I think that's a worthy cause.
I said you didn't have to want to date him to vote for him.
To which one of the Washington Post editors for the date lab left the following comment on this blog:
Hi there. I'm one of the editors the WPost Mag's Date Lab. We definitely appreciate the item on the re-Date contest, and Dan is indeed ahead right now. One important thing: While it's true you don't have to want to date Dan to vote, we do want encourage matchmaking. I mean, wouldn't it be great if aside from helping him contribute to charity, we could find him true love? The more nominations, the likelier it is. So c'mon folks: The perfect guy is out there--let's find 'im for Dan!
I figure if the Washington Post needs my help to find Dan a perfect match, who am I to say no?
See, you can not only vote for Dan to get a second date, you can nominate someone to be the potential perfect match he will go out on a date with.
From what I've been able to glean about Dan from the Post story:
- He's 41
- He's lived in DC for 18 years.
- He has his own business which supports gay causes and organizations
- Has a great smile
- Likes Las Vegas
- Playful and adventurous
- Prefers an average to muscular build but not gym bots
- He likes Remingtons (a DC gay C-W bar), or meeting guys there
- Wants someone understanding and caring who is clean and organized.
Hmm? Dennis Weaver maybe?

So Dan, if you're reading this -- and you bloody well should be as it's 10:25 pm, I haven't had my dinner yet and I'm writing about you to help you
Oh my...this contest has taken on a life of its own! Well, first, thank you Scott for taking up my "cause." And just so your readers know, they have until this Sunday at 5 to enter their votes. I only need to be the top male vote-getter to win.
So you got me pretty well in your description, though Dennis Weaver might not be the best candi-date for me. And the "clean and organized" thing came out of the interview process when I first applied to DateLab back in June. I'm really not a neat freak.
I tend to be attracted to guys who are around my age or maybe a bit younger. Clearly he'd need to be out of the closet to participate in this, and I admit that this process has given me new perspective on just how out I thought I was!
I'm not so much into "types" or "stats," and as anyone who's done online dating can tell you, there is often a disconnect in what someone writes and who someone is in person. Maybe some social scientist can weigh in on why that is. I'll see if I can find some friends to give some perspective on me.
Thanks again...and vote early and often! :-)
You're welcome, Dan, and good luck!
Please let us know how it goes.
I'm Dan's employee, and just so you know, he sent me the link in order to chime in. I've been working for Dan for 10 years, TEN!!! I think I know him pretty well. Main qualities: creative, funny/witty, even-tempered and diplomatic, a sweet singing voice and extremely playful. Quirky qualities: he has NO SENSE OF DIRECTION, he needs to stay organized because it doesn't come naturally to him. That's why he should date someone who is organized; he needs help. Bad qualities.... none. He may be exasperating sometimes, but he's a good guy, which is why after 10 years of working with him; I can recommend him as a great catch.
jbg -- he signs your paycheck...don't you have to say nice things about him?
Dan got my vote. And it looks like he's in the lead!
Man, it has been years since I've heard the name Dan Kaufman, now it is all I'm reading about.....and it's about time. Dan got my vote. Good Luck.
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