I am taking this opportunity to post a tribute to Chris Evans while Scott still allows me the privilege of driving his blog. I think Scott would have wanted there to be a hot manly spread here while he is away.

The American Family Association, a pro-family organization and former employer of this writer, sprung into action sending out this "action alert": "Homosexuals working to get Marine general punished for comments calling homosexual act immoral."AFA then warned that the homosexual lobby "already forced [Pace] to back down a step," and urged supporters to defend Pace and "take a stand for our troops who cannot get involved in this political situation." AFA, like others, had pulled out its red herring.
This is not a political situation, but instead it is a situation where a high ranking official made comments that judged individuals, not ideas. Pace singled out gay soldiers during a time of war and told these men and women that they were immoral. His comments, as a military official, were over the line and not defensible.
AFA, like other "Christian" groups, chose to run to Pace's aid and such an act suggests borderline bigoted behavior from an organization claiming the mantle of Christianity. This is disturbing.
How could preachers preach such vehement messages towards gays when it was clear that the Bible was unclear at best, and silent at worse, on the issue? Why recklessly condemn a group of individuals? Why fixate on them when your congregation is knee deep in divorce (Jesus had some pretty clear words on that issue)? And as for gluttony, how could preachers lecture gays on restraint when churches host pot luck dinner after pot luck dinner and not be deemed hypocritical?
It was this hypocrisy that caused me to open my eyes. Those on the Christian right, for whatever reasons, have become fixated on homosexuality. They are obsessed by it and perverse form of vengeance appears to be fueling their inquisition. I may be wrong, but I think actions are speaking much louder than words here.
Read the whole exchange here.
What did they want the poor guy to do? Was he supposed to pee in his pants while sitting there. Seems to me he did them a favor by not ruining their seat if they weren't going to let him use the lavatory.
It's bad enough when you have to navigate super crowded seating and crowded aisles just to get to the lav...and wait. That's not the problem. The problem seems to be a greater preponderance of airline personnel with authoritarian attitudes meant to control 'the herd'. They call us "pax". Jet Blue 'imprisoned' hundreds recently. Airliners 'forced down' by idiotic exchanges between passengers and their jailers... Let's grow up, people.
"Since the trial began in July, usage has increased from approximately 500 men on the first weekend, rising to more than 1,400 men who are now using the urinals," she said on Monday.The men, she said, are "producing a staggering 95 gallons of urine every weekend".
D.C. is the Federal City and the U.S. Government is entitled to hold more sway in its seat lest the State wherein it resided could have more influence in national politics than the others (see The Federalist No. 43).
A Brazilian housewife was convicted and sentenced to 19 years in prison Friday for killing her husband, chopping his body into small pieces and frying it. Rosanita Nery dos Santos, 52, drugged her husband in his sleep, then stabbed him to death two years ago in Salvador, about 900 miles northeast of Sao Paulo, said police spokesman Idmar Bonfim.
She then hacked Jose Raimundo Soares dos Santos' body into more than 100 pieces, which she boiled and fried before hiding in plastic bags beneath a staircase in her house, Bonfim said.
Perhaps we all fell too easily into the trap set by Pace's remarks, expecting politicians to defend our morality instead of our equal treatment under the law. If we truly believe in the separation of church and state, and that personal moral views have no place in politics, then we shouldn't demand that gay-friendly politicians pronounce us "moral" any more than we accept it when conservatives like Pace call us immoral.
If a biological basis is found, and if a prenatal test is then developed, and if a successful treatment to reverse the sexual orientation to heterosexual is ever developed, we would support its use as we should unapologetically support the use of any appropriate means to avoid sexual temptation and the inevitable effects of sin.
The biblical condemnation of all homosexual behaviors would not be compromised or mitigated in the least by such a discovery. The discovery of a biological factor would not change the Bible's moral verdict on homosexual behavior.Let's summarize: Science seems to suggest that a person's sexuality is biologically based, one of many gene and chromosome pairings that comes with height and whether a person will have blue eyes. But while eye color is not a sin, sexual orientation is.
"Her strategy now is to cast her image and issues in a way that gets the most support from women," McLaughlin said. "A lot of women, especially married women, can understand how she felt during that time."And, he added, "In a Democratic primary, a majority of voters will be liberals. If you're the one the conservatives dislike, it'll drive ideological liberals to you."
Okay - vote for Hillary because Bill was a cad. Got that? Could there be anything more cynical than using your husband's tawdry indiscretions to get votes?
Also, I don't get this paragraph by story author Beth Fouhy:
At the same time, she's ventured into the darker shadows of the Clinton White House years, a move that allows her to define it on her own terms for a new generation of voters.
"New generation of voters..." What? It will have been nearly eight years since the Clinton's left the White House when voters go to the polls next year. The cohort of voters who came of age in those seven years will hardly define the outcome of the election.
That's just sloppy reporting.
"When we start acting like the thought police, it plays into the right-wing paranoia that we are going to force them all to say only nice things about us in public," Savage said. "I think we would gain ground faster in the gay and lesbian civil rights movement if we drop the Sally Field act of, 'You like me! You really like me!' "
Efforts to extend the legal rights of marriage to same-sex couples are gaining momentum in the State House, Democratic and Republican lawmakers say.Today, lawmakers are scheduled to hold a public hearing on a bill that would create same-sex "spousal unions," which would afford same-sex couples the same legal benefits as marriage. The proposal is the first of several bills this year designed to create some form of union or gay marriage. Although lawmakers don't know the extent of support for the measures, several said that an effort to extend rights to same-sex couples might win considerable backing.
"If you serve your country, your country should serve you."
Nothing. It doesn't even mention "gay," "lesbian," or "homophobia." It doesn't point out that Coulter's use of "faggot" as a slur on Edwards is also what spills from the lips of the kind of people who beat up a gay man for wearing pink pants, or murder a 72-year-old gay man by slamming him with a metal pipe.
If you're a homo, the message from Dems is that we're still invisible (see Dean's statement), the crazy granny in the attic, and only the granny's nearly feeble caretaker is allowed to say anything -- and even HRC never mentions gays or lesbians at all in its release (outside of its irrelevant boilerplate at the end). Even our advocacy organization couldn't find a paragraph to place Coulter's comments into context of the larger issue of homophobia. [Emphasis is Pam's]
It started the other night when he had finished his bath and we were
looking for Bear. I remembered that Bear was in the car, so I grabbed Eli who
had not yet put on his diaper and jammies and we went out to the car to get
Bear. He was pretty excited to be outside naked (he pronounces it
This morning, we were hanging around the house before school and he
took off all his clothes and diaper. "Eli naken!" He grabbed his suitcase and
said he wanted to go bye-bye. I asked him where he was going, and he
responded,"Eli go Daddy Pappa house naken!" Too cute. I just had to grab the camera.
I find this objection incomprehensible. When will we stop having problems here on Earth? In a fallen world of endless troubles, that does not stop us from allocating resources to endeavors we find beautiful, exciting and elevating -- opera, alpine skiing, feature films -- yet solve no social problems.
Exploration is humanity's birthright. It defines us as a species. We alone of life on this planet discover new habitats and adapt. Yes we have made tragic mistakes, been destructive, exploitative -- but hopefully (and current Administration foreign policy fiascos aside) we have learned. A baby learning to walk suffers many spills and accidents. We are just now poised to stand and take our first steps into the cosmos. We can be no more sure of what we will find then was Columbus setting sail but just as certain to find wonders we could not imagine.Nor is it true that there is nothing of use or even of interest on the moon. There are all kinds of materials to be exploited, observations of the cosmos to be made and knowledge to be gained on how best to live off the land away from Earth.
A century ago there seemed to be nothing in Antarctica, either. We went there first for adventure, then for discovery. The concrete scientific advances Antarctica has yielded (regarding climate change and the ozone layer, for example) have been as important as they were unexpected.
And then there's the glory. If you find any value, any lift of the spirit in a beautiful mathematical proof, in an elegant balletic turn, in any of the myriad human endeavors that have no utility but only breathtaking beauty, then you should feel something when our little species succeeds in establishing new life in a void that for all eternity had been the province of the gods. If you don't feel that, you are -- don't take this personally -- deaf to the music of our time.
You're definitely not in the troll area of the age continuum. No where near. And I have sway in such matters, I'm just past the jail bait marker! :)
"I told tons of people," he said, with a laugh. "A lot of my friends, my buddies, my closest Marines, people I had served in combat with. Straight guys, married, with children and everything, three of them which I have become their sons' godfather now. Everybody was just respectful and was just like ordinary. 'That's it? That's your big news?'
Of 742 such dismissals in fiscal year 2005, the highest number than in any category — 49 — were medical personnel. An additional 40 were law enforcement officers, along with 14 intelligence officers, 35 infantrymen, and seven nuclear, biological and chemical warfare specialists.This generally squares with the Government Accountability Office's 2004 study, which found that of the 9,488 service members who at that point had been discharged from the military for gay and lesbian conduct since 1993, approximately 757 — or 8 percent — "held critical occupations," meaning the kinds of jobs for which the Pentagon offers selective reenlistment bonuses.
That number included 322 with "skills in an important language such as Arabic, Farsi or Korean."
Airlines suck.