Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Hero of Room 204

Just as we don't have images of what went on aboard Flight 93 on 9/11, we don't have an image, other than in our mind's eye, based on survivor accounts, of what went on in Room 204 at VA Tech yesterday. But one thing is certain -- the name Liviu Librescu joins that of Mark Bingham and Todd Beamer in standing up to terror so that others might live.

Prof. Liviu Librescu held the door closed against the gunman so that his students could flee. He paid with his life.

While tragic, it reminds us that although humans are capable of unfathomable cruelty, we are also capable of selfless acts of heroism and sacrifice.

UPDATE: Librescu was a Holocaust survivor. His story and the stories of all the victims can be found here.

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