Friday, April 27, 2007

Reax to Dem Debate

Well, no light shed on the candidate's position on achieving the equality for gays they all profess. I didn't really expect it.

Hillary did better than I expected as she didn't come off like the fake, polished automaton I expected. If she believes we need to do more to combat violence like at Columbine and VA Tech I wish Williams had followed up and asked her why she isn't now during more as Senator to toughen gun laws and why the Clinton Administration -- excuse me, "Bill" -- didn't take the opportunity after Columbine.

Obama kind of stumbled some although he looked poised throughout and is the only candidate I would have wanted to kiss to after the debate. But I don't think he really helped himself in this performance.

The one candidate I thought came out looking good was Bill Richardson. He seemed the most genuine of the lot...he looked at times anxious, at times annoyed. I loved his "that's how I felt" response to the Gonzales question: why was he the last person to call for the AG's ouster? Richardson said he wanted to give a fellow Hispanic the benefit of the doubt until he had a chance to testify. "That's how I felt." Good answer. And when he saw Gonzales' awfully testimony, the benefit of the doubt was gone. Of all the candidates, he's the one I'd want to go sit at a bar and talk politics with while knocking back a few.

I hope they keep that Gravel guy around. He was fun.

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