Friday, December 14, 2007

I'm a Donor

I contributed this morning to a presidential candidate. Care to guess who?


Cardinal said...

Honey, Colbert isn't running anymore.

Anonymous said...

I'd say the near-libertarian, contrarian Ron Paul given your unfathomable republican past, your live and let live approach, and seeming discontent with all the demos (although there was a glimmer of appreciation for Barack)who are all, each and every one, better than the repubs. Alternatively, it could be the eternal loser and present-day Harold Stassen: Dennis Kucinich. Whoever it was, you'll never hear the end of it as they pester you for more money for the rest of your life.

Anonymous said...

I gave monthly to the Kerry Campaign for about a year(anything to send W back to TX). Then I got so disgusted that I haven't given a dime to any political candidate since. Good luck! (I think???)


Anonymous said...

Apparently, it wasn't Hilary. Most likely: Barack.


Scott said...

Obama it is. He had me at "I don't want to be president of red America or blue America...I want to be president of the United States of America."

I've said on my blog before that what the country needs is a leader who will appeal, as Lincoln did, to "the better angels of our nature."

Obama is the only candidate who can possibly do this.

I'll post more on Obama v. Hillary on the blog later.