Thursday, December 06, 2007

Gay Marriage Threat to Civ, Says Huckabee

Perhaps Mike Huckabee should have spent less time watching Chuck Norris films and more time reading his bible. In an interview with GQ, he said:

You have to have a basic family structure. There’s never been a civilization that has rewritten what marriage and family means and survived."

Really? The 1950s image of the mom and dad and two kids with the white picket fence idea of marriage was handed down to us unchanged since Eden?

Let's go to the Bible:

  • Genesis 16:1-11 Abram impregnates his wife's maid, Hagar. He later marries her. And angel of the Lord appears to Hagar and blesses her and her baby.
  • Genesis 26:34: Esau, son of Isaac, takes two wives
  • Genesis 28:9 Esau takes a third wife, to annoy his father, Isaac.
  • Genesis 29:15-15-30: Jacob exchanges labor of seven years to Laban, in exchange for getting the right to marry his daughter Rachel. At the end of seven years, Laban pulls a switcheroo and sends his older, less attractive daughter Lean "in" to Jacob. When Jacob discovers the deception, he works another seven years so he can take both women as wives.

Now -- that's the way things worked way back when and guess what -- we don't do things like that anymore. Society changed the definition of marriage. Women aren't passed into marriage --at least in the West -- as property. Most people would say marriage is based on love between two equal partners.

Marriage is a social institution and as society changes it can and must change. It certainly has since Biblical times. Or is Huckabee saying we must return to a time when men could buy multiple wives? Nah -- but he is cherry picking the Bible to pick on the rights favorite straw man -- the rights of gay Americans.

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