Saturday, February 16, 2008

Hash Run

Jimbo.Info (whom I ran into at the gym today -- and he's looking tan, rested and hairy after a brief respite in Florida) blogs about a practice I didn't know about:

Some hash runner douche bag left a pile of powder on our garden wall this morning. Did it occur to you to ask first? For those of you who don't know, a hash run is a retarded excuse to drink, popular in DC, where the participants run from spot to spot throughout a city and then drink afterwards. What is the fucking problem...why can't they just drink alcohol without running like normal people? I don't get it. Anyway, the retarded hash runners leave piles of flour or orange drink mix as checkpoints. I secretly hope our Q street gang gives them shit when they run down our block. Or maybe some shoes from The Shoe Tree will fall on their heads.

Seems like a bad way to work off a good buzz.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of this either... it doesn't even sound fun. My mind went in an entirely different direction from the term hash run. I guess I"m a bit too old and out of the loop to get it.