Friday, February 01, 2008

One Missed Opportunity

When Obama was talking about, and praising, the Clinton accomplishments of the 1990s, he missed an opportunity to say, "But as good as it was, that's the past. I want to talk about the future."

But did you note all the substance? (from both candidates -- but we expect that of her. Some (Zac!!!) don't expect it of him).

By the way, I thought Anderson Cooper's questions in the GOP debate the other night were annoying and meaningless. Of the "gotcha" variety. For example, trying to get the candidates to trash Bush's economic policies ("are voters better off today than they were eight years ago?"). I don't see that as an instructive way to get the candidates to talk about what they think about the economy or their economic policies....and when they tried in response to that question, Cooper kept interrupting and pressing them to criticize Bush.

Anderson: Bush isn't running.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's exactly the problem with Obama. He's a blank slate so people can put words in his mouth or project ideas onto him that aren't really his. You can only judge him on what he actually puts out there. Dig deeper, kids.