Let's see what "Ready on Day One" gets you:
- 10 defeats in a row.
- Out fundraised two to one
- Had to fire campaign manager
- Had to fire state campaign chairman for making sleazy attack
- Oops, didn't file enough delegates in Pennsylvania
- Didn't understand the primary rules in Texas
- Alienating the party's African-American base
- Supported the most disastrous foreign policy blunder since WWII
- Can't keep spouse on message
- Failed to have a "Plan B" when coronation strategy didn't work
- Resorted to Giuliani Plan to win in Texas and Ohio after that tactic failed miserably for Rudy only weeks ago
- Losing support of key constituency to a candidate your campaign has described as a "fairy tail" who is all fluff and no substance.
Yep. She's ready, alright. Ready to remain the Jr. Senator from the state of New York.
Hillary is taking it from all sides. Republicans are united in their hatred towards her, and unfortunately she gets it from the left too where it seems plenty of folks there REALLY want to see her crash and burn. Obama is about change and hope being positive, but it's disheartening that some of his supporters only want to constantly point out the negative about his opponent. I am sad.
She is hardly a victim here. She asked voters to judge her on her competence, criticizes her opponent for inexperience, MAKES UP charges about him (like that Reagan charge) and then runs an incompetent campaign.
And yes, you are right, many people on both sides of the political divide don't like her...which makes her the wrong person to elect to unite the country...which is why I'm for Obama.
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